fic excerpt: Sentence: Suspended (Tosh, Ianto)

Nov 03, 2010 18:08

For the bonus round, and in honor of all those who completed the challenge. Congratulations!

Title: Sentence: Suspended
Recipients: 51stcenturyfoxgolden_dbeesandbrews  
Author: Anya (neifile7)
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Tosh, Ianto
Spoilers and Warnings: Spoilers for "Cyberwoman" and "Greeks Bearing Gifts"
Summary: It's going to cost her, but there's something Tosh needs to do.
Beta: none
Author Notes: Part of a WIP that covers all of S1 and S2. I'd hoped to complete it for this round, as it fills about eight of the prompts, but this one part just about works as a stand-alone.  Set after "Cyberwoman." 
Link to story: At my journal

She stumbles a bit as she strives to put one word in front of another...


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