Unintentional Secrets (1/1)
kahtyasofiaCHARACTERS: Jack, Ianto, Team
PAIRINGS: Jack/Ianto
RATINGS/WARNINGS: Very hard NC-17; violence, allusions to torture; pushes the envelope of non-con. Spoilers for 'Fragments'.
SUMMARY: Response to a prompt form tw-exchange (word count 5,487)
PROMPT: That scene in Fragments, where the Psycho!Victorian Torchwood lady shoved the hankie down Jack's throat to subdue him...maybe of all the ways he's died since, that gets him the most because it was done with deliberate, sadistic malice (she got have knocked him out or shot him). A similar close call leads to subsequent freak out, and Ianto coaxing details out of Jack and providing comfort. Basically, Ianto realising that someone Jack's age is always going to have unintentional secrets and lots of potential for 'freak out' moments.