"How to Say Thank You": Nine/Jack, PG-13 (Gratitude)

May 04, 2009 19:52

Pairing: Nine/Jack
Challenge: 51 Gratitude
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None (except if you're allergic to drabbles.)
Spoilers: Up to and Including “The Doctor Dances”

How to Say “Thank You”

How do you thank a man who has just saved your life? Jack thought he knew. He thought he had known for years: a wide, friendly smile, a declaration of debt, and a repayment in cloaked darkness, with quick and efficient hands or lips.

When Jack slipped into what he assumed was the Doctor’s bedroom, he found out that he was wrong.

“Take it elsewhere, Captain,” the impossible alien pressed Jack’s hands to his sides and looked at him like no one else had before.

In that moment, Jack learned that you thank that man with love, unrequited and eternal.

characters: jack harkness, challenge: gratitude, characters: ninth doctor

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