Title: Five Times The Doctor Was Too Proud and One Time He Wasn't
Characters/Pairing: Theta/Koschei, Three/Delgado!Master, Six/Ainley!Master, Ten/Simm!Master, Thirteen/Master. So, y'know, Doctor/Master
Prompt: Pride
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some angsty, some cracky (they change depending on what mood I was in when I wrote it), and please forgive me for the ending.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Six snippets from the lives of our favourite dysfunctional Time Lord couple. What it says in the title basically.
A/N: I wrote this even though I really don't have time to write at the moment, but I really want this comm to carry on, so this is my contribution. It turned out longer than I planned (it was originally meant to be six drabbles. What can I say? I got into it) and I didn't have time to write a different pairing, so I fell back on my favourite.
Five Times The Doctor Was Too Proud and One Time He Wasn't