"Precious" Prompt Drabble: Well and Truly

Jul 12, 2010 19:56

Title:  Well and Truly
Author:  Evilawyer
Rating:  PG
Characters:  Eleven (or even Twelve, maybe, but I think Eleven fits best) and the Master (future, I think, but Simm if you prefer, but just for a few seconds, though)
Disclaimer:  Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and others who are not me (lucky,lucky bastards) and I intend no infringement of any copyrights or trademarks protected under US or international law.   And yes, I do this even though it's only 100 words.

I think I'm cheating on this one, since it's only in Doctor Who without crossover to Torchwood, but/so I'm linking to it because the prompt was too gorgeous to pass up.  100 words are here.

(Note to mod:  If I should post it here rather than link, let me know and I will.)

characters: master (other), characters: eleventh doctor, challenge: precious

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