Title: Plans
Little Lost CatTeam: Hunters (Even though it doesn't have a hunter? :( )
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Derek/Stiles
Rating: G
Challenge: 15: First Kiss
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em and not making the moneys.
Author's Notes: I am totally counting the hyphen as a connector of words, not separate words >.>
The thing is is Stiles is a planner -- Hello, 10-now-15-year-Lydia-plan. He has plans for pretty much everything: the zombie apocalypse, coming out to his dad (he’ll promise grand puppies), college, Scott’s inevitable reunion with Allison (he already has the TMI card). He has plans for dinner and for his multi-million dollar “If Werewolves Were Real” book.
So when Derek Hale crawls through his window on his eighteenth birthday and kisses him softly then hotly, he realizes he’s screwed. Because, yeah, Derek Hale wanting him back was so not in any conceived or half conceived plan.