I thought it was a good episode - although I agree with you about some of Jack's dialogue being rather clunkly.
I have to say that I actually felt rather sorry for Ianto in this episode - after the previous episodes seemed to talk up the Jack/Ianto relationship, in this episode Jack didn't really seem that bothered about Ianto at all! I mean, Gwen was so concerned about Rhys when he was being held hostage, why couldn't Jack have acted relatively concerned about Ianto?
And poor Ianto's face at the end of the episode after seeing Jack beg Gwen to stay - he couldn't have made his fixation on her more obvious if he tried!
On the plus side, Ianto's one liners are continuing to steal the show :D
Jack only surrendered himself when Ianto was threatened...and a couple of nice looks between them.
The Jack & Gwen interaction didn't seem very "romantic love" to me but very friendship based and Jack's regret for what he couldn't have....and the fact he might lose one of his little team, which at the end of the day have become "the family he came home to" Jack's fixation is with the normal life and the life Gwen has not with her per se is how I read the last scene..and Ianto we know has sympathy/empathy or whatever with Jack about his situation from their convo in the last ep. Jack and TW clearly very much took second fiddle to Rhys in Gwen's eyes. I can't understand why in a general sense the Jack/Ianto shippers are quite so stressed about it. Inevitably I think if the series runs we'll get dumped with J/G in the end I imagine but don't see it in that ep.
I am fed up of Tregenna writing "Jack in tears" at the end of every ep she writes though!! Weepy Jack just does not work for me...
It's all interpretation isn't it, because I didn't see Jack as surrendering then Ianto was threatened - I saw him as surrendering when his position had already been revealed. If they hadn't been spotted then Jack and Tosh would have stayed where they were. It was only luck that Ianto was the one that was still in range for the guy to grab back rather than Gwen or Rhys. Jack would have done the same thing if it had been either of them
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I personally have no problem whatsoever with the deep emotional bond between Jack and Gwen...but I don't see a complete lack of an emotional bond/caring etc between Jack and Ianto either unlike some, particularly in this series. I don't see either pairing as anything bordering on true love at the moment though. I really really didn't see anything Gwen Jack shippy on Weds and after the spoilers in the week I was really looking for it and deeply concerned but it just wasn't there. I read somewhere also that Cath Tregenna had written it as a kind of love triangle but Gwen Rhys Torchwood more than Gwen Rhys Jack
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I mean to imply I had a problem with bonds or how they are projected (I really like the iceburg nature of what we see of Jack and Ianto1, for example) - just that the show has very cleverly inverted the standard slash/het expectations.
I must admit that I still hope that RTD doesn't cop out in the end, even if I am doomed to disappointment.
1By which I mean that a large portion is hidden under the surface, not that that it is cold.
Fair enough..I misunderstood..it was early and I'm panicking about making a presentation later today so maybe didn't read it properly...and on that interpretation, yes I agree.
I hope RTD doesn't cop out but I don't trust him and his writers on this - especially Chibnell I think may have a different agenda in that I don't get the impression he's much of a Jack/Ianto fan!
Jack didn't really work for me at all in this episode - I love John, but a bit too much overacting went on for me last night. I suppose that's just from years in the theatre...not particularly stressed about it though!
Oh John's no Gielgud..he's a very ham and cheese actor. It works for cartoon action hero Jack but I don't think he's more than an adequate actor generally speaking as far as TV goes. Now his musical theatre stuff is fabulous!
I have to say that I actually felt rather sorry for Ianto in this episode - after the previous episodes seemed to talk up the Jack/Ianto relationship, in this episode Jack didn't really seem that bothered about Ianto at all! I mean, Gwen was so concerned about Rhys when he was being held hostage, why couldn't Jack have acted relatively concerned about Ianto?
And poor Ianto's face at the end of the episode after seeing Jack beg Gwen to stay - he couldn't have made his fixation on her more obvious if he tried!
On the plus side, Ianto's one liners are continuing to steal the show :D
The Jack & Gwen interaction didn't seem very "romantic love" to me but very friendship based and Jack's regret for what he couldn't have....and the fact he might lose one of his little team, which at the end of the day have become "the family he came home to" Jack's fixation is with the normal life and the life Gwen has not with her per se is how I read the last scene..and Ianto we know has sympathy/empathy or whatever with Jack about his situation from their convo in the last ep. Jack and TW clearly very much took second fiddle to Rhys in Gwen's eyes. I can't understand why in a general sense the Jack/Ianto shippers are quite so stressed about it. Inevitably I think if the series runs we'll get dumped with J/G in the end I imagine but don't see it in that ep.
I am fed up of Tregenna writing "Jack in tears" at the end of every ep she writes though!! Weepy Jack just does not work for me...
I must admit that I still hope that RTD doesn't cop out in the end, even if I am doomed to disappointment.
1By which I mean that a large portion is hidden under the surface, not that that it is cold.
I hope RTD doesn't cop out but I don't trust him and his writers on this - especially Chibnell I think may have a different agenda in that I don't get the impression he's much of a Jack/Ianto fan!
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