Apr 14, 2012 22:27

Questions? Comments? Just wanting to say hey? This is the place to do it!

First, let's start with some basic questions. Hopefully, these will be helpful. Also, don't forget to check out the general information post.

So, who is modding this thing?
Right now, it's just me. I'm firesnap. But my goodness, if you want to help, please let me know. I'd love some help.

What's the deal with ratings?
No rating restrictions or story restrictions, but you should warn for any violence, rape, or so on in your header. Try to give a general rating in your header as well.

How exactly do you collaborate with another writing?
This is a tricky question. I've done this type of fest several ways. Once, I was close enough that I actually met up with my partner and we wrote everything at a coffee shop. I've done it before where plotted it out and assigned sections of the story sent back and forth through email. There's IM - plot it out and write it back and forth all Real Time Action style. I've even sat on the phone with someone at 4am, going through the story and having them write while we bounced ideas and came up with dialogue. There's tons of possibilities here. Do what's comfortable for you and what you think will produce the best story.

What's this writer's survey you mentioned?
It's a fun and simple questionnaire!
Collaboration Preferences: If you have a method of communication you'd like to use, or one you really can't stand. It'll make the pairing process so much easier for me.
Prefer Not to Write: Characters, pairings, eras, so on.
Additional Info: Anything you'd like a potential partner, or mod, to know.

What if my partner drops out?
Contact me! We can work out something. We'll either assign you a new partner, or allow you to finish the story on your own.

Can I write a crossover or an AU?
If you and your buddy want to write an AU about college professors or crossover Torchwood with Daria, have at it. Actually, any sort of crossover or AU is allowed.

Do you allow Post-CoE or Miracle Day stories? Absolutely.

My partner doesn't want to write what I want to write! Can you make them?
Unfortunately, I haven't developed my mind control device. Until I figure it out, I'll say that everyone participating in this fest should be an adult. Work it out like adults.

I already have someone I write with or want to write with in mind. Can I work with them?
Absolutely! If you already have a partner in mind, please just let me know! Put it in the additional details and I'll make sure it's matched up.

How can I find a beta?
Good question. As we get into the writing period, we'll put a call out for betas.

If your inquiry wasn't covered above, please feel free to comment. There will be a helpful response waiting for you as soon as I get around to it.

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