Title: In Losing What I Am, I Become Who We Are
qafkinnetic &
solvingfor42Characters/Pairings: The Torchwood Team, sans Jack.
Word Count: 43,192
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: Warning for violence and major character death.
jellopubes, Neil's parents, Tumblr user consultingmidgardian.
Summary: The discovery of a mechanical Weevil beneath Cardiff starts a chain of events that threatens to destroy Torchwood. Jack is still missing, Ianto seems to be going mad after an injury and Owen is forced to confront his worst fears. When the people of Cardiff start turning into clockwork automatons, things seem hopeless. And then, when Owen decides to investigate Ianto’s strange behaviour, they get worse.
Authors' Notes: SO MUCH LOVE for our betas:
jellopubes and Neil's parents, and our Brit-picker, consultingmidgardian. We'd also like to thank The SCP Foundation (
http://www.scp-wiki.net/), where we found a key plot element.
This fic was supposed to be short -- we decided to aim for a thousand words, expecting it to expand to two or three times that. But Neil tends to write mostly novel-length fics, and Lex wanted an actual plot, and we found all these great ideas, and the next thing we knew it was over 40,000 words! As Neil said when we were trying to think of a title: 'Somehow I think “The Epic Fic that Would Not End Oh God” would convey the wrong mood.'
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Alternate Ending