Links to dvd/blu-ray reviews of CoE and a "Thank You"

Jul 31, 2009 13:43

So, I did a search for dvd/blu-ray reviews of Coe. Here are a couple of links.

I also found this link via one of the many numerous Doctor Who communities on lj.

I agreed with that pov on what RTD accomplished in bringing back Doctor Who for the decades long fans/viewers from years past, as well as bringing new viewers, like myself to the show in 2005 and onwards. If it wasn't for the success of RTD bringing back Doctor Who, then we would have NEVER had the pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, anger and happiness of discovering and watching Captain Jack, Suzie, Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Rhys, Mywany and my darling "teaboy" Ianto Jones on their own amazing journeys and adventures in Torchwood and Children of Earth.

I, publicly want to say "Thank You" to Mr. Russell T Davies, because I would have never had the pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, anger and happiness of discovering and watching Nine, Rose, Ten, Martha, Mickey, Captain Jack, Wilf and the "more than just a temp" Donna on their amazing journeys and adventures. I wish Mr. Moffat the best of luck with HIS own version of Doctor Who, with Eleven and Amy. I'll let myself go along for ride and journey, when that show starts to air on BBC. 
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