Welcome Everyone!

Jul 13, 2009 23:04

Welcome everyone, to Torchwood: Children of Earth!

I’d just like to take a moment to tell you all how absolutely chuffed indiefairy and myself are by the amount of users who've decided to join this community already. Thank you all so much for your show of support towards this series of Torchwood was well as its writers!

This community was started as a spur-of-the-moment idea as I was talking to indiefairy last night about just how dismal and disgusting I found many of the fan reactions towards this latest series. I know not everyone enjoyed every single aspect of the show but for the most part it was pretty damn kickass, and even if it hadn’t been it most assuredly does not give anyone the right to flame the people associated with the show.

The final straw for me, as it were, came when I read James Moran’s [ latest blog ] and learned just how much crap that man has had to put up with by some of the so called fans of Torchwood over the last week. Needing a way to distance myself from the crazy going around our fandom, but wanting to show my support of the show at the same time, I asked indiefairy if she’d consider helping out by creating some “I support…” banners for us saner fans to use ( which she did- please check them out and use them!) and after some more chatting we hit upon the idea of creating a community where like-minded fans could retreat to whilst still taking part in a section of fandom.

And so, here we are! :)

We've finally settled on a layout and have updated the profile to include a few "ground rules" I suppose you could call them. Please do [ check it out ] and leave us your thoughts. Basically we want to use this community as a place where fans of series three can talk/post fanworks about the series in a place we hope to keep free of wank and crazy.

We're going to keep things on moderated posting for the moment (just incase!) but don't let that put you off posting! Between both of us we'll do our best to approve your posts asap.

Please note we've now also set up a list of tags for you guys to use. We're not going to force anyone to use them, because at the end of the day it's your loss if you fail to tag your posts. If there are any particular tags you want to see please feel free to request them here and we'll see what we can do for you :)

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions please feel free to post them here.

Thanks again!
Your mods,
CS WhiteWolf & IndieFairy

- fanart, - fanmix, character: other, character: david davies, episode: day four, character: andy davidson (pc), character: ianto jones, character: rhiannon davies, - icons & graphics, character: mr dekker, episode: day five, episode: day three, - discussion, rating: g-pg, character: steven carter, character: lois habiba, episode: day two, character: jack harkness (captain), - other fanwork, character: john frobisher, rating: r, character: 456, character: johnson (special agent), episode: day one, - fanfiction, character: clem macdonald, pairing: gen, !modpost, character: alice carter, character: gwen cooper, rating: pg/13, character: johnny davies, character: mica davies, pairing: slash, character: rupesh patanjali (dr), character: brian green (pm), - fanvid, pairing: het, rating: r/18, character: rhys williams, character: bridget spears

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