Title: Détente : Part 2 of 3
Written by: Beesandbrews
Beta by:
lawsontl, who planted the seed for this story. Thanks!
Rating: PG-13 for Torchwood style drama. Takes place shortly after Countrycide. Contains minor references to a past suicide attempt, assault, and attempts to cope with same.
Characters: Series One Cast, OCs
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: They were supposed to be on stand down, able to rest and recuperate from the horrific encounter with the cannibals whilst a couple of Torchwood Two operatives kept an eye on the Rift. But nothing is ever simple, not with Torchwood. And Ianto finds sometimes the easiest way to get over a tough situation is to just barrel straight through it.
Part One http://beesandbrews.livejournal.com/274478.html