Women of Torchwood Fest - Comment Fic

May 01, 2012 10:18

This is the comment fic post of the Women of Torchwood Fest that is running throughout May.

The rules are pretty simple.

One prompt per comment. (You can post as many of these as you like.)
A pre-S3 character female character needs to be in a main role in it.
No bashing fic. (Things like Suzie being an awesome evil genius is okay though.)
Put warnings in the comment subject line if needed.
Any rating, pairing or gen fic allowed. Crossovers are good too.

Can be as simple (Like Suzie, a umbrella) or complicated (Gwen and Tosh are having a picnic together on the beach and talking about Gwen's wedding when a giant sea monster alien arrives and they have to save Cardiff) you like.

The fic.
Either reply directly to the prompt comment with the fic as the comment text. Or if it's longer/you prefer to keep fic on your journal reply with a link to the fic.

Prompt can be responded to multiple times.
Prompt, write or prompt and write it's up to you.

Got a prompt that falls outside the scope of this comm? why not head over to tw-femficfest here http://tw-femficfest.livejournal.com/20358.html#comments for comment fic for the Torchwood ladies any and all series.

Need an idea for a prompt? Check out http://such-heights.dreamwidth.org/383109.html for all your trope needs.

This post is sticky at the top of the comm for the duration of the fest.

Any questions ask I'll try to answer them.

fest: women of torchwood, mod post

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