Friday rec free for all

Apr 20, 2012 13:15

Rather than have themed rec's running every week (we'll still have them for fests and re-watches though) we're starting a story rec free for all.

Basically I'll rec a fic here, and then anybody who wants to can rec a few fics in the comments below. Being as we're running every Friday there will be plenty of opportunities to rec as many stories as you like.

I'll start with:

PTSD (Post Torchwood Stress Disorder by small-waldo (fannish waldo, waldo's writing)
Rated R, it has a Jack/Ianto pairing, although the team do feature quite a lot.

Waldo's Summary for the story is: It's been two and a half years since Canary Wharf. It's been a year since Lisa. And Jack is just now realizing what the real toll has all been on Ianto and the other survivors of Torchwood One. Now he needs to fix a big thing done badly before anyone else dies.

The story can be found here:
There's seven parts, to navigate just use the next entry button, as they don't all have next part links.

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