Well, this is me, catching up on old rec posts. This time it's Ianto. Some of these got rec'd in other categories, but I decided to keep them here anyway.
The toughest part about this was figuring out whether to rec stories under Ianto, or a different category. Really, where Ianto goes, Jack tends to follow. Or Owen, or Gwen, or the whole team... So for each, I asked myself whether the story was more Ianto, or better rec'd under Jack/Ianto or friendship or whatever. Then I tossed a coin...
Pre-S1. These stories start before S1 and may or may not carry over.
The Spectacular Catastrophe of Your Endless Childhood by rm and kalichan Time Has Set Its Maggot by cyus Applied Research by beesandbrews The Inside Man by canaana Five Complaints by stangecreature That Old Black Magic by peperclipbitch (Pre S1 - S2, somewhat jossed)
I'll Settle For One Day To Believe In You by dattirarinnar (Pre S1 - Post S1)
Cyberwoman. Well, tons... I tried to stay with ones that are very Ianto-centric. For others, I'll wait for a Cyberwoman rec call
Lullaby by badwolf36 (Pre 1x04)
A wing can cover all sorts of things by amand-r (Pre 1x04)
Amends by Dira Sudis The Flat Holm Stories by beesandbrewsCondition of Release by sam-storyteller Love and Other Monstous Things by rm (Post-S2 AU at the end)
Loyalty, with extra anchovies by lower-case-me (after 1x04)
Adam by invisible-lift (Nothing to do with the S2 Adam episode)
Ignition by sam-storyteller (Post 1x06)
A Sin For Him by shadowbyrd (btwn 1x06 and 1x07)
Above the Emerald City by electro-club (after 1x07)
Charade by lizzledpink Potentiality (Or: How I Learned To Loathe The Quantum Bomb) by bjewelled (sometime btwn 1x06-1x12)
A set of linked stories by lone-star-woman
Cupp(l)ing (after 1x07)
Choosing My Confessions (Post 1x12)
Hallelujah (1x13 - Post S1)
Post S1
Kingdom of Air by ninjasnano (Scroll down to bottom for part 1)
However Long the Night by sariagray Administrative Details by adina-atl S2
What Lies Within by xtricks (Link is to epilogue, which contains links to other chapters)
The Face of God (or, Ianto Hears a Who) by alex51324 A Routine Cleanup by palmface To Move A Body by someinstant A Vision Too Removed To Mention by pocky-slash and the sequel
All My Uphill Clawing The Education of Ianto Jones by verasteine Post S2. Stories that say Post-2x13 are largely about events in Exit Wounds. The others just take place after S2.
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables by addyke (Post 2x13)
Death Note by smirnoffmule (Post 2x13)
And the Weather Will Hold by analineblue The Theory of Two Centres by sam-storyteller The Sea Change by equus-vodka Calling In Sick by kayliemalinza Save Me by fabluelous Breathing Room by beesandbrews Part of an AU series, but this story could mostly just be post-S2.
AU. Sometimes very AU.
The Man Who Has To by jooles34 Outlook: Weekly Review by xtricks Timey-Wimey. Ianto winds up in the past or future or other weirdness. I don't classify them as AU because they (mostly) fit into canon in a "Went there. Bought the t-shirt. Home again." sense
A Matter of Time by demotuYour Face Is Turned by sam-storyteller (The prequel story
I Were the Heavens doesn't involve Ianto at all, but I'd recommend reading it first anyway.)
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit by derryderrydownGuard Them, And Him Within by etharei I Heard A Whisper (The Way I Might Have Been) by such-heights The Mirror In the Morgue by clarity_lore Letter written by Ianto after he dies. There's no mention of COE, and it's not angsty. Really. Give it a try.
To Everyone In the World, Because the Afterlife is Dull by sariagray Future (no COE)
Once You Were the Real You by riftactivity