Another artist needed

Nov 07, 2009 13:54

Hi guys,

Unfortunately we've had an artist drop out, which means the fic they originally claimed is in need of a new one.

18. Get Your Facts First, Then You Can Distort Them As You Please

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen and PC Andy.
Warnings: Nothing major, just a few swear words and brief mentions of sex.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A strange artefact and an even stranger message leaves team Torchwood tying themselves up in knots trying to solve the mystery. Cue a car chase for Gwen, an oddly acting weevil for Jack, and a tomb raider style adventure for Ianto.
Notes: Quotation in the title from Mark Twain.

We know it's a lot to ask, but the art won't be due till the posting date, which is the 25th of November.

Anyone willing to step in?

Thank you.

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