Title: In Your Image
tamdaSeries' Included: Allusions to S1 and S2 and Miracle Day. Takes place before CoE.
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper and others.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto; Gwen/Rhys implied.
Gen/Het/Slash: Slash
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of bloody violence.
Rating: R-ish (Violence, swearing)
Word Count: 17,750-ish. (MS Word lies)
Betas: My husband for the overall stuff and
smirnoffmule for suggestions on Welsh namecalling/nicknames in school.
Summary: Jack and Ianto sitting in a tree: Torchwood-style.
Author's Notes: Written for the
tw_bigbang challenge of 2011. The art will follow, and I'll link to it as soon as it becomes available. Many thanks to the mods, my betas and
tamda. I look forward very much to seeing your artwork!
Part One:
http://blackbird-song.livejournal.com/168085.html Part Two: