Title: Ynys Roana
Author :
moonfirefic Rating: PG-13 (NC17 Chapter Five Only)
Characters: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Rhys Wlliams, Rhiannon Davies, Mica Davies, David Davies, Martha Jones-Smith/Mickey Smith, Others
milady_dragon Art:
xennie_b Check out her awesome work here!Warnings: Cannon thro ugh COE. Smut in Chapter Five Only.
Word Count: 44,000
Summary: When Martha brought Ianto's body back to the newly rebuilt Torchwood Three, she never expected a selkie, a mythical creature of the sea, to revive him and take him beneath the waves. Now seven years later, she has a chance to bring Ianto back, and it's up to the fragments of Torchwood and their allies to find Jack, and convince him to call Ianto home.
Notes: Ynys is Welsh for island, and roana a derivative of roane which is Welsh for seal. Selkies are magical half-seal half-human creatures found in the folklore of the British Isles. Ianto’s family in this story is descended from a selkie woman who married a human when they first came to the island of Ynys Roana 500 years ago. Every generation or so, a child is born with the stormy blue eyes of their selkie ancestor.
These children are caught between land and sea, and when the time comes, must choose which one to call their home. This story is heavily influenced by tales my Nana used to tell by the fireside of her seaside house near Bantry, Ireland. There's a dash of the movie The Secret of Roan Inish, a smidgen of The Seal Children by Jackie Morris, and a liberal dusting of family tradition. (My Nana still smoors the fire nightly - albeit with a more traditional prayer).
I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun writing this, and would love to know what you think.
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