Artist Claims

Aug 22, 2010 14:58

Claiming a Story:

Summaries will be claimed on a first come, first served basis.

As we have more artists than authors, once all fics have been claimed once any remaining artists may claim a fic which has already been claimed. No fic can be claimed more than twice.

Each summary will be given a number. We will add comments to this post with a number in the subject title. Reply to the comment containing the number of the fic which you wish to claim.

If two people claim a summary at the same time we will use the timestamp to determine who got there first.

Once the summary has been claimed, you'll be given the author's name and contact information.

Rules for Artists:

You will create at least one piece of art to accompany one of the Big Bang stories.

Art can be any type you wish: original illustration, cover art, photo manipulation, fanvids or fanmixes.

Your art may not be posted anywhere prior to the posting date. After that, you are free to post wherever you wish.


Your final piece must be completed by 20th September. You may provide us with a link to the art or video or the art file itself.

The posting schedule will be between 27th September - 11th October. We will contact you with your posting date.

Please note that one of the aims of the Big Bang is to bring together people who have never collaborated with each other before, this is why we use blind claims, so (at least initially) we would ask that you don’t ask friends to claim your stories.


1. Strange Days

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Mickey and OFC
Warnings: Mild Graphic Violence
Rating: R
Summary: Leolina Jones was a child of the Rift, an alien found in 1912 by Jack Harkness and Harriet Derbyshire. She became a Torchwood Operative, both loved and hated by the people she worked with. Almost a hundred years later, she returns to Torchwood, to Jack. Unfortunately, times have changed but Leo's purpose in life has not. Can she break up Jack and Ianto to get what she wants or does she admit defeat and leave the two men alone? And who is stealing aliens only to return them with bits missing?
Notes: This story takes place shortly after Exit Wounds. It isn't technically a DW-Crossover though Mickey is involved.

2. The Tsar of Torchwood: Separate Ends

Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones; Torchwood Team
Warnings: M/M sex; historical violence
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ianto Jones is a man of many secrets. He wasn't expecting the reaction he received from Jack or his teammates when he confessed his greatest one to them... that he was once the Tsarevitch of Russia.
Notes: This story is an alternate universe to Torchwood canon. It is a what if based on the idea that Ianto Jones was born Alexei Nikoleavitch Romanov and fell through the Rift to 1990s Cardiff after the assassination of the Russian Imperial family. Therefore the story makes references to historical events, historical figures (two of which appear in the story itself) and to some things from Doctor Who canon though no characters from Doctor Who appear in the story. The title quotation is noted in the story file. Finally, I have already created a "ebook cover" for this story when I converted it to PDF format.

3. Eye of the Storm

Characters/Pairings: Jack, Owen, Ianto, Lisa, OC’s, Ianto/Lisa, suggestion of Jack/Ianto
Warnings: Character death, violence
Rating: PG13
Summary: When Ianto joins Torchwood he is befriended by the irascible Doctor Owen Harper. Ianto’s eidetic memory gets him noticed by Yvonne Hartman who assigns him to the mysterious Captain, Agent H in their research on the Doctor. As Ianto gets to know Agent H events around the ghost shift and the rift chamber explode putting them all at risk.

4. The Beast Within

Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Myfanwy, Janet, OCs, Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/OC, Owen/OC
Warnings: Language, really short dub-con (kissing) but nothing beyond the boundaries of the show
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Owen gains the ability to manipulate others via mind control. Not knowing how dangerous his new gift is, he keeps it a secret. Meanwhile, Jack realizes that the Torchwood Three team may be broken for good after Ianto's recent betrayal. Determined not to lose another team member after Suzie's death, he tries to heal the mental wounds while being unable to quite forgive Ianto himself. When the team is faced with a threat using mental powers to gain access to Torchwood, none of them realize that the enemy is already among them wearing Owen's face.
Notes: The lyrics Ianto recites are from the Welsh song Myfanwy by Joseph Parry and mean “Why is it anger, o Myfanwy, that fills your eyes so dark and clear?”.

5. Behind Blue Eyes

Characters/Pairings: All of the TW team, plus a lot of OC’s, all of which I have specific pictures for, just so the artist knows what actor/actress I want them to use pics of.
Warnings: None that I can think of, it’s fairly tame.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 16 year old Bronwyn Harkness-Jones is informed that she is the latest in a long line of the chosen ones, aka, vampire slayers. This is her life; broken up into chunks of apocalyptic terror, hidden angst, and more then one pair of gorgeous brown eyes. All told with the flair of the blue eyed slayer, of course.

6. The World You Thought You Lived in

Characters/Pairings: Lisa Hallett, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Adeola Oshido (Freema Agyeman’s character in DW: ‘Army of Ghosts’), Cameos by Gwen Cooper, Yvonne Hartman and Rhys Williams
Warnings: Alternative Universe, threesome (off-screen)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lisa Hallett is recruited to Torchwood: Cardiff from London. This is the story of her first year as the mysterious Captain Harkness’ Executive Officer.
Notes: Title is actually from a Mika song (‘In Any Other World’ from ‘Life In Cartoon Motion’). Story inspired by 'The Harkness Variations' written by Sam_Storyteller

7. Personnel Issues

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh, Owen,
Warnings: canon character death
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Torchwood Three email newsletter: an excuse to gossip, bitch, plan dates, fight, and discuss squirrel rats.
Notes: Spoilers for all of series 2.

8. The Twelve Jacks Case

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Jim/Ifan, Owen/Tosh, Gwen Cooper, Martha Jones, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler and The Master, appearance or mention of some others.
Warnings: None
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The Master has find out that being buried near the Rift for two millennia had increased the connection between Jack and the Vortex. He wants to use Jack as a Tardis, but Jack is not that powerful so he decide to gather some more of him. The Master kidnaps twelve Jacks through different dimensions and buries them under the rift back in the past of another dimension in order to use them as batteries for his vortex machine. Of course this won't go according to the Master's plan, and monks of the XII century found the twelve duplicates.
Notes: Three stories are entwined, Ianto looking for Jack, The twelve Jack having to wait 700 years to get a chance to go back home, and of course the story of Jim and Ifan, in whose dimension this is all set.
The story is mainly set in two Universes plus a third one. Our Universe, with Jack and Ianto, where everything is faire game - Torchwood and Doctor Who - until COE. I first thought of this story before COE was broadcasted so it never happen here.
Most of the story is set in Jim’s Universe were a lot of things are different, same for Jay’s Universe. Meaning none only the characters history, but the worldwide history.

9. The Faces You Will Meet

Characters/Pairings: Mainly Tosh, Lisa/Ianto, Ianto/Jack, also appearances by Gwen, Owen, Martha, and The Doctor
Warnings: Character death as per canon
Rating: PG
Summary: AU. While Lisa and Ianto were in London, Lisa was keeping a secret about Tosh. After Lisa’s death, the truth will change the members of Torchwood Three forever.
Notes: The title comes from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot

10. Torchwood Blues

Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto, Eleventh Doctor, John Hart, Gwen Williams, Rhys Williams, Kathy
Swanson, Andy Davidson, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, OC’s,(mentioned) Amy and Rory, (mentioned)
Alonso; Jack/Ianto, past Jack/John, Gwen/Rhys
Warnings: Violence, slight sexual situations, mentioned Mpreg, character death (temporary)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In the aftermath of the 456 invasion and the birth of their son, Jack and Ianto retire from
Torchwood and decide to travel. Nearly a year later they end up in New Orleans, where they’re dragged
back into Torchwood business when an old enemy steals a dangerous piece of alien tech.
Notes: This story is based on situations from the movie “Undercover Blues” starring Dennis Quaid
and Kathleen Turner. It’s also a fix-it fic, in that certain events that happened during the entire run
of Torchwood did not occur, as in Toshiko, Owen and Ianto are still alive, and Gwen didn’t break the
Retcon. There are spoilers for all seasons of Torchwood, and possible spoilers for Doctor Who season

11. Ynys Roana
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Rhys Williams, Rhiannon Davies, Mica Davies, David Davies, Martha Jones-Smith/Mickey Smith, Others
Warnings: Cannon through COE. Alternate universe after that. Smut in chapter Five only. Rest is PG-13 at most.
Rating PG-13 to R
Summary: When Martha brought Ianto’s body back to the newly rebuilt Torchwood Three, she never expected a Selkie, the mythical creature of the sea, to revive him and take him beneath the waves. Now seven years later, she has a chance to bring Ianto back, and it’s up to the fragments of Torchwood and their allies to find Jack, and convince him to call Ianto home.
Notes: Ynys is Welsh for Island, and Roana a derivative of Roane which is Welsh for seal. Selkies are magical half-seal half-human creatures found throughout the British Isles. Ianto’s family is descended from a selkie woman who married into a human family when they first came to the island of Ynys Roana 500 years ago. Every generation, a child is born with the stormy blue eyes of their selkie ancestor. These children are caught between land and sea, and when the time comes, must choose which one to call their home.

12. Princes and Pawns

Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Tosh, Owen, Rhys, Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Amanda Darieux, Joe Dawson; mentions others in all both fandoms; Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Gwen/Rhys, past Methos/Ianto (sort of)
Warnings: Violence, AU, Angst
Rating: Overall NC-17/K+
Summary: After he returns from the Year That Never Was and resumes his relationship with Ianto, the last thing Jack needs is a visitor from his past - especially not a 5000 year old, sword-wielding Immortal, his Highlander lover, and their gun-toting friend. It only gets worse when Jack finds out that Methos remembers the year that never happened and seems to have a connection to Ianto Jones.
Notes: In the Highlander verse, events take place almost 9 years after TB/NTB and 7 years after some of the events in “Endgame.” “Highlander: The Source” never happened. MacLeod and Methos have been building a relationship since O’Rourke but solidified it after the events with Jacob Kell. In the Torchwood verse, this takes place shortly after Jack’s return from The Year that Never Was and the resumption of his relationship with Ianto. It covers the time period from just before “To the Last Man” to just after “Adam.” The title comes from the Highlander theme, “Princes of the Universe” by Queen.

13. ‘O’

Characters/Pairings: Janto; Gwen/Rhys.
Warnings: Based on a horror film.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack and Ianto adopt a little girl who isn't all that she seems - but shortly after her eighth birthday she disappears, presumed dead. Five years later, Alice Carter is found curled up in her walk-in wardrobe, her features twisted into a macabre expression of horror. The cause of death leads the remnants of Torchwood straight to a mysterious videotape that apparently kills all those who watch it in seven days - and for Torchwood, the clock is ticking. Torchwood crossed over with Kôji Suzuki's 'Ringu' universe.

14. Without A Hurt The Heart Is Hollow

Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/Jack (sort of, not really)
Warnings: (character death, non-con, smut, etc) Post-CoE.
Rating: R
Summary: Almost two years have past since Jack disappeared from a hillside. Gwen doesn't expect him back. She's busy raising her daughter and protecting Cardiff from darkness. Then one night a mysterious woman informs her that it is up to her to bring Jack back from the 51st Century. The woman is certain that this must happen, but Gwen's not so sure. As it turns out, Jack isn't either-- or he wouldn't be if he even remembered why he'd want to go to Cardiff, and who Gwen Cooper is anyway.

15. Torchwood Is Yours

Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness. JH/OMC, JH/OFC
Warnings: Victorian era
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Jack lands over a hundred years past where he was aiming, he has some time to fill. Why not spend it baby-sitting the Rift?
Notes: Completely AU

16. Be All My Sins Remembered

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Martha/Tom, Lois, Johnson, Mickey, OCs (mention of other relationships)
Warnings: poor understanding of time travel, even poorer understanding of 40s era British military systems, angst,
Rating: R
Summary: Jack's son -- who died in 1945 -- comes through the Rift. Gwen puts two and two together and comes up with nine months. Meanwhile, Ianto is dealing with a morning after he wasn't expecting, Martha is rethinking her agreement to work here, Johnson thinks they're all crazy, and Lois is quietly reporting everything back to her true bosses. (Well, almost everything.) Also, invisible face-eating aliens may be stalking Cardiff. In other words, it's a Tuesday at Torchwood.
Notes: This is set after the events in other stories I've written, but should be accessible as a stand-alone.

17. A Gumshoe Chronicle

Characters/Pairings: Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, Martha Jones/Tom Milligan, Toshiko Sato
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Summary: Jack and Ianto are private detectives, investigating the disappearance of a wealthy business man. He liked to go slumming in a poor immigrant neighborhood and was being blackmailed. All is not as it seems in this case that involves infidelity, a stolen sapphire, the mob and murder.
Notes: This story is written in the style of the hardboiled American crime fiction of the early 20th century. Think Hammett. Think Chandler. Except there’s a certain amount of Janto fluff. I call it “fluff noir.” A wealthy woman (late thirties, early forties) hires Jack and Ianto to find her missing husband (at least a decade older). Martha and Tom run a medical clinic in the dockside immigrant community. Tosh runs the detectives’ office and their crime lab. The case involves a 500-pound mob boss named Fat Sam, a murdered dock worker, and a stolen sapphire. The location is mostly the warehouses, factories and poor immigrant community that surround the waterfront.

18. Silver Coins For Your Soul

Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto, Alice and Andy. Reference to Jack/Ianto, slight hints to Andy/Alice
Warnings: Religious references
Rating: R
Summary: Alice Harkness has lived in Cardiff for years with no problems, until a figure from her father’s past arrives and puts the entire city in danger.

19. Feathers In The Sky

Characters/Pairings: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Suzie, Owen, Toshiko, slight Andy. Past Lisa/Ianto and Jack being his flirty self with Ianto.
Warnings: AU, Character death, but only Suzie so I'm not sure it should count. Slight abuse of the angel mythology
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ianto Jones is a Guardian Angel sent on a new assignment: Save Jack Harkness' soul and set the Torchwood pharmaceuticals company back on the path of good. What he didn't count on was Jack's love of sexual harassment, a file of secret Torchwood projects and Torchwood related murders all within his first week on the job. Can Ianto Jones salvage his mission and save Jack and his staff?
Notes: The whole Ianto as an angel fic idea originally came from here and TW Big Bang gave me the motivation to finish it, or at least the first arc of the story. I haven't quite made it to the scene that inspired the fic prompt. This arc is a very vague AU retelling of Everything Changes.

20. Promises

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Warnings: smut, post Children of Earth
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jack is offered the deal of a lifetime - he can have Ianto back as long as he delivers an innocuous item to the Doctor. But the deal has a catch. Ianto is back but Jack doesn't remember the deal he made, leaving Jack suspicious of how Ianto returned. Can Jack regain his memory and learn to trust Ianto again in spite of his guilt over Ianto's death, before he completes his end of the deal?

21. He’s A Looker, But I Really Think It’s Guts That Matter Most

Characters/Pairings: Ianto/Isaie, Ianto/Jack, Isaie/OMC, Tosh/Owen, Gwen/Rhys, Includes OCs related to Isaie.
Warnings: angst, guy and guy sex, implied drug use, attempted non-con, a fair bit of smut
Rating: R- NC-17
Summary: Since Jack returned from the Year that never was, he's found himself without the man who he has always relied on who is now with someone else. But with the trauma from the YTNW haunting him will Ianto's feelings help him back to his old self? Will Ianto's relationship endure Jack's problems as well as his own issues with Isaie's ex on top of looking after a six year old? And when all is said and done will Jack help Ianto save Isaie when he needs him the most?
Notes: Sequel to last year's big bang. Title from the song All Over You by the Spill Canvas

22. Revelations and Recollections

Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto, Owen, Gwen, Toshiko female O/C. Susie, Katie, The Doctor and Lisa are mentioned but not seen.
Warnings: (character death, non-con, smut, etc) Almost non-con as it stands, (I strongly feel this will be edited out.) Brief referaence to torture, not so brief references to aliens possessing a team member , references to medical procedures, An original character death is described but not seen. And my O/C is shot a few times.
Rating: I would say now R to be on the safe side.
Summary: When Ianto Jones ran into his old friend Jessica Jackson on an awkward night out in the pub, no one was aware what impact she would have on the team. With her she brings her own rift caused emotional damage, bad memories, cryptic messages and a few revelations for everyone. Meanwhile Gwen is not really Gwen at all and Owen is left to look after a sick Ianto. With that, Cyber men and a lost Glomp it makes for a revealing time in Torchwood. Emotions are running high. But is it all connected and how? Post Cyber woman and Countryside.
Notes: If you have not seen the Doctor who episodes Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday some references may not make sense. Likewise for Cyberwoman.

23. The Sum Of Your Choices

Characters/Pairings: Team, OC's; Jack/Ianto, mild Ianto/OMC
Warnings: Language, sexual references, discussion of miscarriage
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Matthew Prentiss thinks he's having a bad day when, after a close encounter with an alien device, he regains consciousness in a cell in the underground headquarters of Torchwood. Things go from bad to worse when the mystery of Matthew's odd experience is unraveled, and Matthew is called upon to make a choice that will change his life.

24. The Essential Sheep

Characters/Pairings: Torchwood team (Owen-centric), no pairings, three OCs
Warnings: child and animal endangerment
Rating: PG
Summary: Torchwood staff find an abandoned child's toy that is a lot more than meets the eye. Meanwhile, roaming Cardiff is a mysterious man who appears to be in pursuit of the toy's owner.
Notes: One of the characters originated in a ficlet I wrote years ago.

25. All The Time We Have

Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, team
Rating: NC-17, adult concepts, occasional language, M/M
Warnings: Mentions of character death end s2 and day 4 CoE
Spoilers: Possible all s1-3 TW, plus radio 4 play The Dead Line: set between TW s2 & s3, directly
after Radio 4 play The Dead Line
Summary: Following Ianto’s speech to Jack in The Dead Line, Jack tries to show Ianto he’ll never be
just a blip in time.

26. Amygdala

Characters/Pairings: Mainly Owen, no pairings mentioned
Warnings: Some swear words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Owen gets possessed by an alien. His emotions are running out of control. He's trying to hide it from the others, but the longer he tries, the closer he gets to dying.

27. That Monday Feeling

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Capt John Hart, OCs
Warnings: Character Death (not permanent), Suicide, Swearing
Rating: R
Summary: Slight AU. Ianto, as a rule, wasn’t accustomed to hating any particular day of the week. Granted, some days were worse than others, but this particular morning he developed a newfound dislike for Mondays. Especially when this Monday didn’t seem to want to end.

28. The Spaces In Between

Characters/Pairings: Past Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, alt!Tosh/alt!Owen, Jack/alt!Ianto friendship
Warnings: Mention of past canon character deaths. CoE compliant. Non-graphic death of a whole
Rating: PG-13
Summary: On a distant planet, Jack struggles to come to terms with everything that has happened,
however his world is about to change again when a Ianto Jones from a parallel Earth arrives seeking his help.
Notes: Spoilers for Doctor Who episodes Stolen Earth and Journeys End.

29. Meld

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto Jack/Tosh
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack and Tosh have their minds welded together by alien tech.

30. All Around The Mulberry Bush

Characters/Pairings: Ianto, Blaise, Tosh, Dennis Creevey, Luna, Fleur, Harry, Sirius, Neville, Gwen, Owen, Jack, Bilis. Gen with hints of past and future relationships of the slash and het variety.
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After Countrycide, Ianto decides to return to the Wizarding world and joins Luna's unspeakable team. Dennis Creevey opts to take his place with Torchwood, something that doesn't thrill them. But something is stirring and Ianto may need to return to Cardiff and Torchwood to stop a great evil. Will they figure it out in time? Does he have the strength to defeat this? au of Season 1 Torchwood.

31. We Were Both Young

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen, Tosh, Rhiannon, Johnny, Mica, David, OMC
Warnings: None really, main character injured, OMC death
Rating: M
Summary: Ianto has always been the protective big brother and will do anything for his sister. When his youngest sister is finally meets her future husband and he meets the man of his dreams on the same night, their lives begin to spiral down a new path.
Notes: AU (regency era), very loosely based on the Lyrics for a song but it’s not that relevant to the fic so it doesn’t need to be worried about if the artist isn’t interested.

artists, claim post, round two

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