[FIC] Holding to the Ground | Jack/Ianto (Hard R/NC-17)

Nov 23, 2009 03:08

TITLE: Holding to the Ground
AUTHOR: thescarletwoman
BETA(S): flyingtonowhere and halfspell
AARTIST: rotaryphones
CHARACTER(S): Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, the Doctor, Gwen Cooper, Various OCs. PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
RATING: Hard R/Bordering on NC-17
WORD COUNT: ~22,000
WARNINGS: character death (though brief), AU, Spoilers through Children of Earth
DISCLAIMER: Torchwood and Doctor Who belong to the BBC. No copyright infringement intended. Reference quotes come from Episode 1x01 'Everything Changes' and some ideas come from the musical RENT.
AUTHOR'S NOTE(S): This has been quite a wild ride -- and one I wasn't sure I'd see through to the end. But thank you to my wonderful friends who pushed me to see this through until the very end. And a special thank you to Cap -- who helped me find the voice of the Doctor when I needed it the most. Thank you to my wonderful betas, any remaining mistakes are mine.
SUMMARY: Jack has never dealt with grief well and this is no exception. Running away from all of his responsibilities, he leaves Gwen alone to try to rebuild the crumbling Torchwood. Jack travells the world until something pulls him back to Cardiff -- to discover something he never thought possible. The only problem is he needs the Doctor's help, and who knows when he'll return again?

LINK TO FIC: Part One | Part Two | Part Three

round one

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