Title: Who Said The Killer Was Caught?!
Fandom: My Bloody Valentine 3-D
Character(s)/Pairing: Tom & Axel [Jensen Ackles/Kerr Smith]
Warning: R, Not-Worksafe!!!!, Full Nudity, Slash, AU
About: Spoilers for My Bloody Valentine after the LJcut.
Just saw MBV -again- (more jensen! YAY ^^)and i wante to make a manip about him and Kerr Smith who i've also loved since yeaaaaaaaaaars and years ago. So hot together, although my manip is a bit AU, **spoiler alert** Tom isn't the killer, is Axel cause i though it was him during the whole movie plus i like his killer look in the manip and thanks to the ower of photoshop...ta-dah! he's the killer! XD ...don't ask me how that twist happened LOL
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