Things as of late

Jan 11, 2005 11:01

Well there have been a few things but not to much going on figured id give and update. So all the really emotional shit I have written has been private, and some of it has been friends only so sorry if those who actually read this and wanted the emotion like they used to read they aren't gonna get. So yeah who ever didn't know my foot was mad fucked up last week couldn't walk on it or put weight on it or anything fucking blew ass. But yeah so got it checked by a doc and the foot specialist and they were both like yeah your shit is fucked up but didn't directly know what the problem was and come to find out yesterday i got bit by a black widow spider like 3 times. Thats fucking nuts I should be like dead or like deathly sick or something lol. I found that out cuz of a blood test they took and I still have venom in my system its rather amusing lol. I love how serious I am about it, yeah could be fatal but fuck it whatever lol. Bought myself an Xbox and some games, why because I can because I had a massive pay check and figured fuck it lol. Glad i bought it to cuz it seems I will be spending a lot of time in doors. So yeah if any wanted to know things with Erin are beyond great. Don't really have much else to say so pz
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