out of Mind

Apr 28, 2014 07:55

Title: Out of Mind
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Small sequel to A Second Chance Perchance to Dream . Jack has a hard time connecting with reality.
Characters: Ianto and Jack
Rating: PG
Spoilers: set between s1and S2
Warnings: deals with aftermath of torture
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: 21st drabble for the challenge. Written for tw100 challenge: Open w/ prior prompt. Reverse Fandom: SG-1. As that challenge was a double drabble challenge, this is a double drabble. Out of Mind was the last episode of S2 for SG-1

Out of Mind

Once Jack felt like he was safe he closed his eyes, surrendering to the warm and welcoming arms of Ianto Jones. His hands gripped the Welshman's shirt so tightly that it felt like the fabric might rip.

"Get something to cover him," Ianto ordered as he did his best to warm up Jack who was shaking. Ianto had a feeling the shaking was not entirely from being cold. "It's going to be all right. Nobody is going to hurt you." He could only offer his suit jacket that did not prove much warmth. It made Ianto sick to his stomach as he imagined the horrible things Jack probably went through. There was no trace of the physical damage from the torture, but immortality could never erase the emotional damage.

"Stttt...ay." Jack stuttered, almost unable to get the whole word out. He buried his face into the front of Ianto's shirt. He was no longer sure what was reality or fantasy, but what ever it was, Ianto was alive and he would never let go.

"I'm not going anywhere. As soon as Gwen and Tosh get here we are going to get you out of here." Ianto promised as he stroked Jack's hair.

character: ianto jones, challenge: open, challenge: reverse fandom: stargate sg1, character: jack harkness

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