Four drabbles for challenge #313: Open

Apr 21, 2014 00:00

Four drabbles for challenge #313 Open. Hope you enjoy.

Title:- The third greatest gift.
Characters:- Team
Spoilers:- None
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- No idea what prompt inspired this but I'm guessing tw100's prompt #230: Piece of cake.

Title - Show but don't tell
Characters:- Gwen, Rhys and Anwen.
Spoilers:- None - Future fic
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- Written for TW100 Challenge #233: Rabbits. Also works for Challenge #81: Life after Torchwood.

Title:- Safe and sound
Characters:- Jack/Ianto
Spoilers:- None - Future fic
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- Not sure what prompted me to write this but fits tw100's prompts #113 Alternate Endings and #18 Alternate Universes.
Fleeting reference to the TW novel 'Long Time Dead' but it's not necessary to have read the book. No spoilers just wishful thinking on my part.

Title:- Did you miss me?
Characters:- Team
Spoilers:- None - Missing scene from Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- Written for tw100's challenge #312 Awkward moments, also #168 Missing Scene

Comments and con-crit make my day.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.

challenge: alternate universes, challenge: life after torchwood, challenge: awkward moments, challenge: rabbits, challenge: piece of cake, challenge: alternate endings

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