Challeges: Unloved Prompts, All Hallows, Cabaret, Cookbooks

Apr 19, 2012 15:14

Title: Dressed for the Occasion. Not.
Author: firefly124
Characters: Ianto, Jack
Challenge: Unloved Prompts, All Hallows
Rating: G
Notes: Been lurking, and now trying to break writer's block with drabbling. *waves* Also, while not a crossover, some Buffy references in here.

During uni, Ianto remembered watching a show that claimed demons and vampires eschewed All Hallows' Eve as too cliché and took the night off. That clearly didn't apply to aliens and, if memory served, it hadn't worked out too well for the kids in the show either.

“Ianto! What's taking you so long?” Jack bellowed from below his office.

“Rift spike.” Ianto tapped at the computer, then groaned at the result. “Charles Street.”

“Ooh, that could be fun.”

At least if he turned into his costume, Ianto thought, being a UNIT officer could come in handy.

Title: Life Is a ...
Author: firefly124
Characters: Ianto, Jack
Challenge: Unloved Prompts, Cabaret
Rating: G
Notes: Follows “Dressed for the Occasion. Not.”

Wrenching the SUV around a corner, Jack said, “You really didn't have to lose the beret, you know.”

Ianto barely looked up from his PDA, wishing they'd called Tosh. She could probably make more sense of these bizarre readings. “I really did, Jack.”


The SUV screeched to a halt.

“We're there.”

Ianto finally looked up. “You must be joking. We are not going into a bloody cabaret.”

A scream, followed by others, sounded from inside.

“Oh yes, we are.” Jack grinned.

This was not going to end well, Ianto could just feel it.

Title: Heard It All
Author: firefly124
Characters: Ianto, Jack
Challenge: Unloved Prompts, Cookbooks
Rating: PG
Notes: Follows, “Life Is a ...”

Ianto knew better than to think he'd seen everything. Canary Wharf. Cannibals. Now cookbooks.

“Seriously, Jack?” he asked.

“Kalmachian recipes were very popular in the 42nd century.” Jack winced at the corpse. “Not the best way to get a taste of them.”

Ianto rolled his eyes and started composing his report. Stage accidents were easy enough to, well, stage.

“... outlawed eventually. Great smuggling gig. There was this one time ...”

“Ends with you naked and at least three aliens, yes?” Ianto mightn't have seen everything, but he was almost sure he'd heard it all.

character: ianto jones, challenge: unloved prompts, character: jack harkness, challenge: cookbooks, challenge: all hallows, challenge: cabaret

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