Healing [challenge #12: shadows]

Feb 03, 2007 17:04

Title: Healing
Author: fajrdrako
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness, The Doctor
Challenge: #12: shadows
Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: Spoilers for the ending of Torchwood season 1. Cross-posted to my LJ and tw100.

Healing )

challenge: shadows, character: jack harkness

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crystalshard February 4 2007, 14:13:00 UTC
Nice one. I like the image of the Doctor putting Jack back together again, especially when it seems sometimes at Torchwood than none of them remember how broken he is.


fajrdrako February 4 2007, 14:36:28 UTC
I don't think - at Torchwood - anyone knows how broken Jack really is. They don't know about his childhood/youth in war - only the other Jack knows that. They don't know he lost the Doctor and Rose. They don't know how long he's been alive (and neither do we). They don't know he lost two years of his memories. So they only see the effects, not the causes, and Jack can cover pretty well.


becky_h February 5 2007, 20:56:06 UTC
I don't think there's any way for the Torchwood staff to know how broken Jack is. From what we see he shares bits and pieces - tiny bits and pieces - of who he is with them. Like not sleeping, or that he can't die. When it's a real question, a hard one, he just doesn't answer.

What's more they didn't know him when he *had* the Doctor. They haven't seen the man he used to be and there's nothing there for them to compare it to. They only know him as he is, not as he was, so why would they assume he's 'broken' instead of just. Well, Jack?

(All of that said, beautiful drabble. I really love the idea of the Doctor in Jack's mind. Telepathy's an odd kink of mine, and not really a sexual one. There's just something about the *intimacy* and invasiveness that appeal to me)


fajrdrako February 5 2007, 21:46:45 UTC
No, I agree, and Jack doesn't exactly advertise his degree of damage. What he does confide is generally on an individual basis - usually to Gwen, but occasionally to others. And as you say, they have never seen Jack as he was with the Doctor, so they don't know how he has changed. Tosh and Gwen both know he once died and came back to life, but they don't know anything about the Daleks or Satellite Five. They don't know about his being a soldier when you, or seeing his friend tortured. They know... barely the tip of the Jack-iceberg.

I'm so glad you liked my drabble, and the telepathy - yes, I share your attraction for that, and it's another thing among many that I love about the Doctor and his nature.


becky_h February 5 2007, 21:53:34 UTC
Well, they all know he'll come back to life now. And Tosh does know that he was in the 40s, somehow, and served in the War and was a Con man, and Gwen knows about Estelle but none of that adds up to much of anything in the scheme of things. Comparing End of Days Jack to Boomtown Jack is just flatly painful.

The man DOES need his Doctor, badly. He needs the edges filed down, a safe place where he's NOT the boss, he's NOT responsible, he's NOT trapped with the world depending on him. I think that's another reason I so desperately like Jack with the Doctor. It's not even shipping or romance exactly.

It's - well, where else can he be weak, let his guard down (after god knows how long of paranoia and secrets and lies) and just *be*?


fajrdrako February 6 2007, 03:14:27 UTC
I wonder how much the Torchwood team will compare notes about Captain Jack after the end of "End of Days". Up to that point I think each has kept his confidence - unasked - but they may share this knowledge. Though I don't think Ianto would be too happy to learn about our Jack and the original Jack, if Tosh tells him the whole story about their visit to 1941.

Yes, Jack needs the Doctor very badly - that's been my contention since Doctor Who series 1. I like it as ship or romance but it doesn't have to be. It's a connection. Jack was so happy when he was on the TARDIS - it would be nice to see him get some of that joy back.


becky_h February 6 2007, 03:24:14 UTC
Don't get me wrong! The one real ship I can put Jack in is with The Doctor. I love seeing them together because I love what they can give each other - it's a wonderful thing. It's just that I can remove the romance and the sex and still be left with something deeply beautiful. And you're right, it's the JOY that they all had when they were in Boomtown.

I feel for Ianto, rather a lot. I don't think he'd be happy to learn about the other Jack. I also imagine Our Jack wouldn't have a CLUE what the problem was.


fajrdrako February 6 2007, 03:32:54 UTC
The one real ship I can put Jack in is with The Doctor.

Yes. I like Jack in any number of different kinds of relationships, from the casually sexual to the most gentle of friendships (I'm thinking of John Ellis here) but the relationship in his life that I see as most meaningful on every level is that with the Doctor. The Doctor taught him so much, turned his life around twice - first by getting him out of the con man game, and then by abandoning him on Satellite Five.

I can remove the romance and the sex and still be left with something deeply beautiful.

I can agree with that. I love it as romance, I love it as sex, but I also can love it as a friendship and a mentor/acolyte situation.

it's the JOY that they all had when they were in Boomtown.I feel for Ianto, rather a lot. I don't think he'd be happy to learn about the other Jack.I agree. It would depend what Tosh told him and how she told it, but if he knew the reality - the depth of what Jack meant to Jack even knowing each other so briefly - it would hurt him. I think he ( ... )


becky_h February 6 2007, 03:37:49 UTC
but the relationship in his life that I see as most meaningful on every level is that with the Doctor.

The Doctor said something to Jack when he came on the TARDIS about having to be bigger on the inside ("Bigger on the inside" "You'd better be.") and that really is the foundation for a lot of why I have trouble putting him in a 'ship with someone else that is entirely *there*, that he invests in on every level. The Doctor helped broaden Jack, Jack became MORE with him, and no one's going to fill that space like the Doctor. No one *CAN* fill that space. ...and now I'm rambling. (And I loved Jack's relationship with John Ellis)

can agree with that. I love it as romance, I love it as sex, but I also can love it as a friendship and a mentor/acolyte situation.

As long as there's love, I'm there.

No. He'd be baffled, and, I think, surprised..
Yeah, those two are lovely in a very dysfunctional way. They're not having the same relationship at all. It's sad for Ianto, but wonderful for me.


fajrdrako February 6 2007, 03:54:25 UTC
The Doctor said something to Jack when he came on the TARDIS about having to be bigger on the inside ("Bigger on the inside" "You'd better be.")

Yes. The perfect quote to sum it up. And Jack knows the significance of that - and does everything he can to live up to it.

The perfect quote from Jack's point of view on the same subject is, "Never doubted him. Never will."

that really is the foundation for a lot of why I have trouble putting him in a 'ship with someone else that is entirely *there*, that he invests in on every level.

Uh-huh. And he's a very loving man, finds it easy to love - but his relationship with the Doctor goes way beyond that, touches on his nature and identity and the way he views the universe.

The Doctor helped broaden Jack, Jack became MORE with him, and no one's going to fill that space like the Doctor.

Well said, and I couldn't agree more.

As long as there's love, I'm there. My point, I think - well, one of them - is that "love" is a concept that is open to a wide variety of meanings and interpretations ( ... )


becky_h February 6 2007, 03:57:52 UTC
I think I'm mostly going to reserve judgement on Ianto and Jack. From what I've seen, at the very end, it *is* good for both of them. I think they respond well to each other and provide each other with something the other needs, but I think there's potential for the thing to go very, very, cock-eyed around differing expectations.

And I *love* our Doctor and Jack conversation. It's really lovely to have found someone to talk these things out with and find I *agree* with. CLearly I need to come out from my rock more. Thank you.


fajrdrako February 6 2007, 04:08:24 UTC
I think there's potential for the thing to go very, very, cock-eyed around differing expectations.

I think that's true, especially since Ianto is highly emotional and still dealing with Lisa issues.

I *love* our Doctor and Jack conversation

Me too. For one thing... so many people are not talking about it, and to my mind, it's central - central to my love of the show, since I came to love Captain Jack through Doctor Who in the first place, and central to my understanding of Jack's character - central, that is, to Jack's life and thinking. And I think the canon supports that - hence my love of the ending of "End of Days" and of Jack's smile when he hears the TARDIS and knows, though he can hardly believe it, that it has finally come.

It's really lovely to have found someone to talk these things out with and find I *agree* with.

Yes! Come and discuss it with me anytime, I'm starved for talk about Jack and the Doctor.


becky_h February 6 2007, 04:58:30 UTC
I am really baffled by how many people are not talking about it. I don't even understand how it's possible to not *get* the intensity and enormity of what happened and is happening there. I like the relationships within the show, but Jack was *made* by the Doctor, at least made to be the person he is. But, we agree on that and I'm rambling on because I'm exhausted.

I will absolutely come to you to babble about Jack and Doctor things. Thank you (and I'll get your screencaps up tomorrow morning. There's just something about that man's grin. Lots to upload)


fajrdrako February 6 2007, 11:45:27 UTC
I am really baffled by how many people are not talking about it.

Theories as to why: (1) the Doctor does not appear in Torchwood, so it's a crossover thing, and out of sight is out of mind; (2) fans like Ianto and don't like too many complications; (3) Jack and Ten haven't met yet - that we've seen.

I don't even understand how it's possible to not *get* the intensity and enormity of what happened and is happening there.

I'm there and I'm massively into it!

Jack was *made* by the Doctor, at least made to be the person he is.

So true.

I'm rambling on because I'm exhausted.

Whatever the reason, I'm enjoying hearing the rambling on my favourite subject and pairing.

I will absolutely come to you to babble about Jack and Doctor things.


I'll get your screencaps up tomorrow morning. There's just something about that man's grin. Lots to upload

Ooh! Good! Happy anticipation!


mad_jaks February 10 2007, 17:04:13 UTC
um there's a fic - can't remember it's name offhand but it's on www.sioux.org.uk which has the Doctor (Eccleston variety) inside Jack's head which is very nicely done. Just thought I'd mention.


fajrdrako February 10 2007, 19:22:53 UTC
Thank you! The link is much appreciated - was the story "Do You Kiss?" If so,I've just downloaded it in happy anticipation.


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