Title: At the Torchwood holiday party.
Author: Keenir.
Rating: Adult (mention of alcohol)
Summary: How could a holiday festivity go wrong? Here’s one way.
“Happy Christmasolstikwanzakah,” Jack said. Okay, technically he said something closer to Christmeireaeasolsticasaratarakrawanzaraeioiazakah, which only served to remind everyone how odd Americans are.
Ianto was distributing eggnogg.
Gwen downed hers with a flourish.
Owen was nursing his.
Tosh was checking said beverage for its alcohol content.
Jack refused the eggnogg on religious grounds: egg.
And the surprise guest arrived. The one nobody’s invited, but arrived anyway.
It would’ve been creepier, more ominous and foreboding...if only the holiday lights didn’t sparkle off its domes just so...if only it didn’t shine with such a festive cheer.
Tosh said, “Dalek.”
The End