Dec 24, 2006 04:25

Title: The Gift of a Crutch
Author: hegemony
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato
Challenge: Challenge 6: Christmas.
Rating: R, to be sure. There's a few things that are open to interpretation.
Notes: Spoilers up until Tw 1x10, I suppose.

Just three of them, this year. Gwen's got a life and Owen never shows up.

Toshiko's wearing Mary's jacket while they walk along the bay. Ianto's got Lisa's engagement ring on a chain around his neck. They'll all stand in the morgue quietly together, Christmas Day.

It's not so bad, though, Jack thinks. They've become each other's crutches on holidays like these, sidelong glances and patterns drawn on palms. At night they work to wash away the sorrow in Ianto's eyes, the repression in Tosh's posture, the death in Jack's fingertips.

It's the best gift they can give each other.

character: ianto jones, character: toshiko sato, character: jack harkness, challenge: christmasolstikwanzakah

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