Title: Newborn Child
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters: Captain Jack Harkness. the TARDIS
challenge: crossoversRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for any episode of Torchwood that shows Jack's desk. Cross-posted to
my LJ and to
Newborn Child
She was the last TARDIS, home of the last Time Lord. For companionship, she had his friends - Rose, Mickey, Martha, Donna, and warm, loving Jack. Sharing the Doctor's adventures. If this was the end of her race, it was a good end.
Then she sensed something in Cardiff.
Just a glimmer, perhaps her imagination. It couldn't be true, could it? A whiff of coral? Something that wasn't yet a TARDIS, but someday might be?
Did Jack know what he was doing? Creating a new life?
If Torchwood could save the future, this was how.
Thank you, Jack.