Title: Sanctuary
hegemonyCharacters: Suzie/Jack.
Challenge: Challenge 5: Suzie Costello
Rating: PG-13 for sexual references.
Notes: Pre-series, but spoilers through They Keep Killing (TW 1x08).
She knew what she was to him. She could read him like a cheap paperback book, all his dirtiest secrets, and kept all of them without question. She’d listened rapturously to his stories about the Doctor and when Torchwood one was invaded, she was sanctuary.
They’d only really slept together once, in a dark hotel room in London after showing up too late to help fight. Afterward, he laid his head on her chest and listened to her heart, alive and beating wild.
Jack wishes that she had found the same sanctuary in him he too often found in her.
Title: Old
hegemonyCharacters: Ianto, Suzie.
Challenge: Challenge 5: Suzie Costello
Rating: PG-13.
Notes: Spoilers through They Keep Killing (TW 1x08).
Once, Ianto had found Suzie so drunk that she was trying to hug the SUV.
She was always affectionate to him, with shared bottles of scotch, long rounds of chess after-hours, and shared old university stories.
Ianto liked poetry, although he never had time to read very much of it in London. Suzie gave him books, and recited poems to him when they were bored.
She’d sit on the couch in the kitchenette, watching him make coffee. She’d always thanked him for everything he did.
Like he does with Lisa, Ianto wishes he could have the real Suzie Costello back.
Title: When Suzie Met
hegemonyCharacters: Suzie, mostly.
Challenge: Challenge 5: Suzie Costello
Rating: PG for language.
Notes: Pre-series, but spoilers through They Keep Killing (TW 1x08).
When Suzie met Jack, she thought he was a chauvinistic asshole.
When Suzie met Ianto, she thought he was absolutely sweet, clever and adorable.
When Suzie met Owen, she thought she’d fall for him.
When Suzie met Toshiko, she thought she’d lose Owen for good.
When Suzie met Gwen, she knew she was dead.
When Suzie met death, she thought of how warm it was.
Suzie was wrong about lots of things. Jack turned out to be the closest thing she had for a best friend for about seven years.
Ianto keeps a padlock on her door in the morgue.
Title: Elation
hegemonyCharacters: Suzie, Jack.
Challenge: Challenge 5: Suzie Costello
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Notes: Spoilers through They Keep Killing (TW 1x08).
On the dock, the elation of being at full strength floods through Suzie like a tsunami. Gwen slides out of her hands, but Suzie keeps running anyway, desperate to escape, adrenaline pumping.
When Jack’s first bullet hits her, her smile is so wide it almost hurts. She grins at his grotesque realization that she, too, is immortal now. Jack fires again and again and each bullet hurts, there’s no doubt, but her adrenaline pumps, her heart beats so quick, she wouldn’t even notice were it not for the blood.
In the end, the feel of the rush was worth it.