The Measure of a Man (PG) - Reverse Fandom Challenge...ST:TNG

Apr 27, 2008 11:09

Title: The Measure of a Man
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Challenge: Reverse Fandom Challenge...Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Extremely vague spoilers for 2x05 and 2x09

Ianto sat on the tatty lounge, stewing over Jack's comments.

He was not sure if he was more concerned about the fact that Jack had the hide to read his diary (he, of course, knew he would, given half a chance) or that he was STILL questioning his ability to estimate a man's inside leg measurement by checking the length of his stride ......... and then it all clicked into place.  Jack was doing this to tease him.

Any dirty trick to get Ianto on his knees in front of him with a tape measure was fair game for Jack.

challenge: reverse fandom sttng

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