Title: Unaccustomed As I Am
Author: PokerKitten
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Challenge #60, Reverse Fandom Challenge: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Notes: Spoilers for KKBB, I guess.
Unaccustomed as I am
First date nerves; only explanation!
For openers, I took the left-hand turn too fast, almost ploughing him down as he crossed the road. Then I tripped going into the restaurant, sending him crashing into the door. And for my next trick I made him choke on his wine over a particularly lewd suggestion. He turned a very strange colour. Had me worried there.
"If you want me dead, Jack, there are easier ways of going about it."
But he's a brave man, my Ianto. Our second date went a whole helluva lot better, if y'know what I mean... Oh yeah!