Two drabbles for the challenge Banter. I really hope that's not against the rules...This is my first venture into Torchwood fic (or any type of drabble challenge community...) so feel free to correct me on anything - grammar, characterization, rules, etc. I hope I do the characters justice!
Also, I want to thank my bestest friend
hara_chan_5 for the beta!
Hope you enjoy! I appreciate any comment at all! <3
Title: My Darling Wife
Author: chococrack21
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Challenge: Banter
Rating: PG
Notes: Possible spoilers for 2x01 but not really. The drabble is the result of a conversation in the episode, but I wouldn’t really count it as a spoiler... You won’t see any major plot spoilers here~~.
“Hey, Jack?” Ianto asked abruptly on the way back from their date.
Jack glanced over to Ianto and hummed his response.
“Who’s the wife?” He asked thoughtfully.
Jack coughed, surprised, but his face lit up and lips pulled into a smile.
“You are,” he grinned and took Ianto’s hand, kissing the back of it to emphasis his point.
“But what if I don’t want to be the wife?” Ianto asked, a little smirk on his face when he saw Jack’s reaction.
“I don’t know. Something could be arranged...” Jack answered cryptically, squeezing Ianto’s hand and pulling into the parking space.
Title: Cute
Author: chococrack21
Characters: The Torchwood Team plus Captain John
Challenge: Banter
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 2x01 in the relationship department. I think it makes more sense if you've seen the episode, but I don't think it's too big of a spoiler.
“You know, those two really did banter like a married couple.” Gwen remarked as they waited for the bartender to mix their drinks.
Owen snorted, “I really don’t want to think about it, Gwen. I can only imagine what the two did during those five years in a time loop.”
“Do you really want to imagine that?” Tosh taunted, joining them at the bar. “I actually think it’s kind of cute,” she added, taking a sip from the drink the bartender just handed her.
“I doubt Ianto thought it was ‘cute,’” Gwen replied.
“And neither did you,” Owen shot back.