618 fic - Strong

Aug 23, 2020 10:00

Title: Strong
Character(s): Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Ianto sees through Jack's charade
Author's Note: Written for Challenge 118: "Fragile"

Everyone thinks Jack is strong through and through. Because he swaggers about, always looking like he's on top of things, solving puzzles, vanquishing threats, saving the world, with that enviable, assured air of "been there, done that, got the goddam t-shirt".

Ianto knows better. Ianto's seen Jack lost and desperate from losing people he cares about. Ianto's held Jack through long nights as he trembles at the thought of how nearly he didn't save the world.

Ianto knows just how fragile Jack is. How thin that veneer of confidence is. How little it would take to smash right through it.

character: ianto jones, character: jack harkness, fragile 618

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