Title: All I Want For Christmas is You
halfspokenwordsCharacters: Jack, Ianto
Challenge: #55 Open, #54 Christmasolstikwanzakah Songs
Rating: G
"Here, sir," Ianto said, helping Jack through the door and easing him down onto the sofa, "are you all right to stay here while I run you a bath?"
He nodded distantly. Ianto hesitated, brushed Jack's face with his fingertips, and then quietly disappeared up the stairs, leaving Jack to look around. On Ianto's desk, beside his computer, sat a small Christmas tree, lights twinkling cheerfully. Beneath it were three gifts, beautifully wrapped.
When he looked, each was labelled, in Ianto's careful script: Lisa.
Jack felt sick-- and for the first time that night, it wasn't because of the exhaust.