611 fic - No Touching

Jul 06, 2020 21:26

Title: No Touching
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Character(s): Jack Harkness
Rating: R
Warnings: Mention of torture
Spoilers: Fragments
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Stuck in Victorian Wales, there's one particular thing Jack misses about his own time period
Author's Note: Written for Challenge 611: Touch

Jack grew up in a world full of physical contact. It wasn't just about sex, it was all the other little touches too - cuddles from friends, casual brushes from strangers, grasping a shoulder to emphasise a point, a hand on someone's back to guide them along…

But here in Victorian society, touching is considered against the rules. One must be self-contained, aloof, separate. Before long, he's so touch-starved that a fist in his face feels like a caress, and even the soft white hands of the Torchwood ladies attaching manacles and electrodes are better than not being touched at all.

character: alice guppy, touch 611, character: jack harkness, character: emily holroyd

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