Challenge #44: Hotels: Little Boxes

Oct 12, 2007 13:29

Title: Little Boxes
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Ianto/Jack
Challenge: Hotels
Rating: G
Notes: The hub isn't Jack's home... yet.
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money.

Little Boxes

Ianto's seen homelier looking seedy hotel rooms - and after Canary Wharf he'd seen plenty of those: it was staggering just how much people won't see for surprisingly small amounts of cash.

It's Jack's military background, Ianto supposes, that has him living his life - if not in the storage boxes that line the walls of his quarters then compartmentalised. Always on standby. Always ready for the off. To go anywhere he's needed. As long as it isn't here.

He can deal with that - he bites at the naked shoulder beside him - he'll take anything this man can throw him. For now.

character: ianto jones, challenge: hotels

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