Title: Hotel California
crystalshardCharacters: Gwen, Ianto
Challenge: Hotel
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 1x08, 'They Keep Killing'.
"Sign here, please."
Ianto's finger pointed implacably to another signature box, and Gwen raked her hair away from her face in frustration. "Ianto, what are all these forms?"
"That one is," he glanced at the sheet, "Oh yes, the organ donor waiver."
"What? But I'm already signed up for it," Gwen protested as she signed.
Ianto smiled faintly. "Once you join Torchwood, you never leave."
It wasn't until after Suzie's second death that she thought of the forms again. At home, snuggled up with Rhys, she remembered what Jack had said about packing Rhys away.
He'd been joking. Hadn't he?