Title: Do I Look Like Owen Harper?!
Author: PokerKitten
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Challenge: #44 Hotels
Summary: Jack's idea of a much-needed night off doesn't seem to coincide with Ianto's
Do I Look Like Owen Harper?
Ianto's face was mask-like as they checked in to The Royal. "Will this turn up on your Torchwood credit card statement? Should I allocate it to Extraneous Expenses?"
Ouch! "Do I look like Owen Harper?"
At least when Ianto emerged from the bathroom, fluffy hotel towel wrapped around his waist, he was wearing some sort of expression. Even if it was a frown.
"Don't know what you're thinking, Ianto, but…"
"I was thinking that there's no need to go to the trouble and expense of a seduction."
Jack slowly stroked Ianto's tensed-up shoulders. "Oh but there is. There really is."