challenge: Seduction Lessons

Sep 07, 2007 16:00

Title: 101
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, Ianto
Challenge: challenge: Seduction Lessons
Rating: G
Notes: Spoilers for They Keep Killing Suzie.

Seduction's a craft, knowing and calculated. Jack's had over a century to hone his skills, and he loves to put them to good use. A pulse, a postcode, an orifice: if he wants it, he'll get it.

In the end, the trick with Ianto had been to ease back, let the boy think he's the one doing the seducing. And Jack can afford to wait.

Still takes him by surprise, though. The timing! The strange, almost-innocent charm of that shy glance, the momentary hesitation in Ianto's beguiling accent. 'If' you're interested...

Apparently, Jack still has a few lessons to learn.

challenge: seduction lessons

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