OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm totally totally SO MADLY IN LOVE with this version!!! The band, the music, the boys' vocals...*swoons* Therefore, I HAVE TO review this!!!
I am extremely impress by the boys' vocals!
Let's talk about the band first. I never knew the keyboardist would be so ....I don't know..hippy-ish. The hair was just really funky. XD Hahahaha..
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Now I'm curious, you empahsized Yunho's strong voice without being in the falsetoo range, so does that mean that people are deemed to be more talented if they can sing higher notes in their chest voice than in falseto?
I've always wondered about this, cuz it seems like an artist would be praised if he/she can sing high 'naturally'.
p.s. do you want a ripped mp3 version of the video? or you have it already ^^
Urm..well..most guys that I know can't really reach high notes with chest voice, therefore using head-voice / falsetto. With Yunnie singing that note using is chest-voice clearly shows that the boys have probably been having voice lessons to improve their vocals. Notice how Chun's voice has gotten smoother and stronger too?
But singing with chest voice doesn't make you more talented. These are just different type of singing techniques that singers acquire through training and practice. I'm not a singer, therefore, I can't really tell you the technicalities of it.
Any singers out there who'd like to share?
p/s: I already have the mp3 version thank you. ^^
-gazes hopefully-
Now you can fangirl over it again :P
enjoy~ ♥ ^^
Ehehe, I sure will!
And *_______________* love your icon. <3
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