Trapesista [Yunchun] R

May 28, 2010 19:02

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death & Slightly disturbing scenes
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word Count: 1,049
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N: Is been almost a year since the last update of this fic and Im deeply sorry about that!!!!!!!
Is not extremely long and certainly is not the last part. I really just want to get ovet with this part. Is been a long time since I wrote anything fanfiction wise and I know it shows but I just cant write anything else until I finish Trapesista. I hope some people remember this story.
Hopes it wont dissapoint a lot of people.
As usual it can be read at tvxq_tragedias


Yunho tied the knot really tight. The chair is placed in the exact spot he needed it to be. He heard a cry, a well-known cry and he quickly step over the chair. He wrap the rope around his neck, a sailor knot already done, and held his breath for a bit more.

Tears run over his cheeks and his now brown pure eyes look around the theater. He knows this is how it should goes. This is how it needs to end. There’s no other way and there are no substitutes for this.

The trapesista’s name slip through Yunho’s lips before he jumps from the chair and a soft but audible crack breaks the deathful silence.

“Oh fuck! Yunho!!! Yunho!!!!” Changmin shouts while runs to the platform. Between curses and with sweaty hands Changmin manages to put down Yunho’s dead body. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. He had to kill you. Stupid dumb ass. Yoochun had to kill you not yourself.”

But Changmin’s cries were useless. Yunho was already dead.


Yoochun didn’t like what he was feeling right in that moment. Something was throwing him off-balance. Yunho was away and Jaejoong too. He kept calling for Jaejoong but still he didn’t appear. Yunho was taking too long and Yoochun grew restless.

Then he felt it. Yoochun felt Death presence just before a pair of red eyes stared directly into his hollow ones. “Why Yoochun you haven’t done your job?” The deep voice boom through the whole room and Yoochun just shrug. Death anger rises more, making the eyes redder.

“I like the kid. He is too cute to be death.” Yoochun was challenging Death to do what a Death should do. It wasn’t his job in the world to kill. That’s why Death is for. Yoochun was feed up of feeding this Death.

Yoochun had enough and he was making his own little sacrifice for the greater good.



Junsu stare at where Jaejoong once was, trying to grasp what just happen. “Shit, he can’t die, damn it, that’s fucking impossible cause the damn guy was already dead. What the hell just happened?”

Junsu ran back to his apartment. Making himself sure that the door was lock he sat on his couch. “You know locking the door only assures you that human being can’t enter.” Jaejoong’s voice startle Junsu making him stand up. “Jaejoong?” “The one and only.”

“You are not dead!!” Junsu beam and try to hug Jaejoong but he just went through Jaejoong. Junsu’s face turns into shock. “Well Junsu, how can I say it? I’m double dead?”

Junsu just stare at Jaejoong’s ghost.


“You want me to kill huh?” Death asks Yoochun just before Yoochun feels a horrifying pain. Something he never ever felt, not even the time when he as a human. This was like something or someone was pulling all of his energy and literally drinking his self.

Yoochun let a cry slip from his lips, his mind praying that Yunho stay where he was. Yoochun felt like he was burning and like his chest was breaking inside of him. He looks at Death red eyes before looking at his hand.

Yoochun scream at the pain and stare in shock at how his body was slowly disappearing. Slowly Yoochun felt like he was sinking into the nothingness he never knew existed. “You guys tried to fool me but couldn’t. Now you don’t have Jaejoong and your cute boy did the job alone.” Yoochun eyes got wide in shock fear striking his remaining soul. “He can’t, he won’t.” Death laughs at Yoochun, eyes going impossibly redder. “Oh but he already did.”


Changmin couldn’t believe what Yunho did. He couldn’t make a thought out of Yunho’s action. And suddenly he could hear someone else sob. “You idiot! Why you killed yourself?” Changmin looked at the man beside him. “And who are you?” Changmin dare to ask in this bizarre situation. Yoochun startle looked at Changmin. “You can see me?” Changmin nod. “How?” Yoochun asked shock written on his face. Changmin raise his eyebrow “Shouldn’t I see you?” “No, it doesn’t make sense. Death sucked my energy. I apparently don’t exist.” Changmin nod at the new information. So Death has the power to kill or double kill the assistant. Plus that Yunho is dead and no one had a single idea of what to do next. He didn’t left any instructions and there so much you can see of know by having dreams.

“You are Changmin right?” Changmin once again nod “Please go home. If Death sees you here you are gonna be in huge problems and as you can see… I can’t help you.” “What about him?’ Changmin looked at Yunho’s dead body. Yoochun sigh “Just go, I’ll manage something.”

Changmin looked at Yunho’s body once more before running out of the theater.


Death felt satisfied. Jaejoong and Yoochun were already gone and Yunho did a good job by himself. Just Changmin and Junsu were left. With the new energy Death felt by sucking the assistants it felt like he could take care of everything and still manage to be on command.
But what he didn’t count was with the knowledge it never gain from the others Death. Knowledge someone already own.


Yunho felt like he was in the middle of nowhere. It felt like a vast of space but not a shallow space. This space place was full of energy and his body was recharging. His mind was taking all the energy, all the information before feeling his body thrown back to a material world.

When he opened his eyes he knew where he was. His hand reach to take off the ropes around his neck and he straighten up his body. Yunho look around the theater and found nothing. He then felt it, all the new information flowing through his senses. Yunho started to walk out of the theater to reach Junsu and Changmin but before going he looked at himself through one of the broken mirrors of the theater.

His eyes were onyx black. His skin was a bit tad dark and if u look really close to it you could see the death language flowing through him. His hair was dark as his eyes and around his face, framing it.

Yunho was back.

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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