shpoat :3
List of 3 applications you’ve voted on:
Holding Back The Tears2.
Likes: Reading, honesty, learning foreign languages, listening to music, animals, chocolate, laughing, eating, watching sports, spicy food, friends, traveling, meeting new people, learning new things.
Dislikes: Food that's too sweet, racism, cockroaches, people who stand too close behind me in line, shallow people, pests, people who don't listen, noise, needles, nosy neighbors, hunger, filth.
Strengths: I know how to listen. I can be very patient when I know it's worth the effort. I'm resourceful. Friendly? :D; I think I'm a fast learner. I'm open-minded.
Weaknesses: Perfectionism. Self-indulgence. Procrastination. Emotions (Totally weak at showing emotions. I don't know how to properly express them. :'|). Pretty pictures.
Hobbies: Reading, playing video games, listening to music, looking at pretty pictures, trying to take pretty pictures, learning about anything and everything
Talents: Violin. Piano. TaeKwonDo. And sleeping like a rock.
Favorite quote, why?
“Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”
Just because.
Favorite food: I love all kinds of food as long as I'm not allergic to it. :)
Favorite color: White. Green. Silver. Gray. Black.
Favorite music genre: All genres. ;)
What are your dreams, goals, and ambitions? Why?
I honestly don't know what I really really want in life... :'| Eck. I want to be a polyglot. I find languages really interesting and I love to travel. Hm. I want to be a better person~ I also sort of want to be a doctor - my whole family is made up of doctors. They've influenced me a lot and I want to be able to help people like how the people in my family helped others.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I'd like to change how I deal with anger; I don't like having to express my feelings, so, when I'm angry, I shut up and become very unresponsive. I don't talk at all. I try to, but nothing ever comes out. :|
If you could change something about the world, what would it be? Nothing, I think, because everything that is happening contributes to how we end up being like this in the first place... or on second thought, no more cockroaches please? And rats and bad people. Yeah.
Your personality in 5 words or less: Actions speak louder than words.
please elaborate~
Mature or Immature? Immature? Hee. I know I'll laugh when I see someone trip - as long as the person doesn't suffer from any kind of injury. I try to be mature but deep inside, I'm just not.
Outgoing or Shy? Shy. But I'm willing to strike up conversations with strangers. Although, I don't want to end up being creepy and all that so usually I don't.
Confident or Modest? In between. :'| Depends on the situation.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Pessimistic. I tend to see most of the negatives before I realize that there are other sides to something.
Impulsive or Cautious? Impulsive. Most of the time.
Leader or Follower? Leader. I'm a control-freak. But I know I can be a great follower, as long as the person leading me is someone I look up to.
Reserved or Eccentric? Reserved. But once I'm comfortable around someone, I'm totally eccentric.
Touchy feely or not? I used to be touchy feely, now I'm not.
High, medium or low energy? Medium. But right now pretty low.
If you could be a TVXQ member for a day, who would you be? Why?
If I could be a TVXQ member for a day, I'd want whoever I'm going to end up being be a surprise. (Did that make any sense?) I don't want to know who I'm going to be. Hee. ♥
Favorite member? Why? (Spazz/Fangirl or boy about him~!)
Jaejoong. He's really funny and adorable. (I'm not doing any justice here. ugh D:) I love his personality. Plus, he's got a great voice and body to boot~
Least favorite member? Why? (Please be considerate, your least favourite might be someone's else most favourite)
No one! Buut. It used to be Jaejoong. I hated him so much. I don't remember exactly why because he's my favorite now but I just know I hated him. A lot. lol.
What is your favourite TVXQ pairing? Why?
I don't like yaoi very much. :p But I do like JaeChun. ;D
If you could meet TVXQ, what would you do?
Try to remember to ask for autographs and for a picture with them if they're OK with it.
If you were a TVXQ member, what would the other members mean to you?
Everything. I mean, we live, eat, sleep, do everything, go everywhere together and even though that it's all really just work, they're practically like brothers and well... yeah. They're totally a big part of my life.
It's a Friday night, you've got the time, you've got the money, what would you be doing? I would save the money for another day but see if any of my friends are free and spend time with them at home.
You're walking along the street when someone you don't know calls your name. What happens next? I walk away really fast. lol.
You've been called to act in a drama. Who would be your other characters? What sort of drama would it be? Why?
But but I'm a terrible actor. :'| If I would be called to act in a drama, I'd probably just be an extra so it doesn't matter what sort of drama it would be. As for other characters, I've no clue.
Any suggestions for this community or for questions? No, sorry!
Any Theme suggestions? No.
Anything else
This totally describes me.