Oct 31, 2006 21:13
I know that I've been gone for a while, but after tonight's episode I am compelled to write my spec. I already posted it on Logan LoVers, but wanted to put it here also. Excuse my spelling tonight, I am operating on 4 hours worth of sleep and lots of candy, so I am really loopy right now.
I've been thinking this for a while, but after tonight's episode I think I am quite sure. I think that the feminist is behind the rapes. I don't know if they are actually violating the women, but I do think that they are drugging them and shaving their heads as a way to 'wake up' the college.
Okay, hear me out.
I really don't think that Clair was raped, but was a way to frame those guys from the other paper (my brain isn't working right now, so I can't remember names all that well). But, I see them seeing Parker (the way she was when she first arrived) as a disgust. I, personally, liked Parker, but for a feminist, a freshman who seemed loose and partied all the time at Frat houses would be a step back for them.
I may be way off base here, but I am thinking that it won't be the typical guy violating women because he has some sick issues with abuse (i.e. Aaron and Cassidy), but a group of non-traditional violaters (women) who is tired of women getting abused and came up with a sick 'in your face' approach to get the TPTB behind Hearst to either put a tighter leash on the Frats or to get rid of them all together.