(no subject)

Sep 24, 2007 14:31

ok, nächstes semester steht ein seminarvortrag zur algorithmischen geometrie an. kann mir einer helfen, welches der 11 themen am spannendsten und am wenigsten aufwändig klingt?

01 Algorithms for ham-sandwich cuts.pdf
02 Encompassing colored planar straight line graphs.pdf
03 Line-segment intersection made in-place.pdf
04 A quadratic distance bound on sliding between crossing-free spanning trees.pdf
05 Three problems about simple polygons.pdf
06 Guard placement for efficient point-inpolygon proofs.pdf
07 Happy endings for flip graphs.pdf
08 How to play a coloring game against a color-blind adversary.pdf
09 Linear-time reconstruction of Delaunay triangulations with applications.pdf
10 A Simple Streaming Algorithm for Minimum Enclosing Balls.pdf
11 Computing the Widest Empty Boomerang.pdf

hier der Link zu den zugehörigen papers.
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