The other day, a friend showed me a video of himself lip-synching to my song Dizzy Spells into his webcam with headphones on. I thought, almost immediately, that it'd be really cool if I got a bunch of people to do this and I could edit it all together into a cool music video.
Can I get you guys to help? I'll post an mp3 link later, but in the meantime, you can stream the whole track at those of you with webcams record yourself lip syching along?
Dizzy Spells by TV's Kyle
You are the grooviest woman that I've ever seen.
Ever since the day I met you I've been feelin' green.
I took a coupl'a asprin to relax my mind.
But it seems my days of seeing straight are long behind.
My head was still feelin' sore
So I went and took a couple more
but I didn't read the bottle right
and it kept me up all night
And I'm havin' me some dizzy spells
It's a feeling that I don't know well
Yeah, you're pullin' me in
and I'm gettin' the spins
And I think I need to take a pill.
And I need to take another pill.
I really dig you, woman and I hope that you dig me.
But all this thinking fills me with anxioty.
I took a coupl'a somethin' to relax my head.
And now my body lays here like a hunk o' lead.
My head was still feelin' sore
even though I couldn't think no more.
My roomie switched the bottles around.
So I'm stuck here on the grooooooooound.
And I'm havin' me some dizzy spells
It's a feeling that I don't know well
Yeah, you're pullin' me in
and I'm gettin' the spins
And I think I need to take a pill.
And I need to take another pill.
You must be bad for me.
So I'm gonna have to leave.
I would take a pill or three.
But I can no longer see.