Episode 4x07: A Letter to...

Jan 21, 2013 19:15

‡ Episode 4x07: A Letter to...

‡ How to Get Points: POST A NEW COMMENT with your completed letter. There are no team threads for this challenge.

‡ Deadline: February 4th @ 9 PM EST

‡ Points: 10 points

‡ Tag Banner Points: Yes

‡ Have a question or comment?
Please ask in the question/comment thread below!

‡ Merit Badge #7: The Charmed Badge

Reply to ANY member's letter, IN THE VOICE OF THE CHARACTER. So if someone wrote a letter to Leslie Knope, you will reply to that letter as if you were Leslie Knope writing a letter back to them.

Your letter back to the sender must be 50 words or more. Please list your team name with your reply.

+5 points // What are Merit Badges?

• Write a 100 word (or more) letter to any TV Character.

• Please include a "Dear Character Name from tv show name", a small picture of the character you're writing to, and your total word count Word Count Tool

• This letter can be serious or funny, but this is NOT fanfic. You're writing a letter in your own voice.

• Tell them how much you love them, give them some sound advice, thank them for losing their shirt so much... ANYTHING.

• Try and place nice everyone. Your letters don't have to be 100% positive but let's refrain from trolling and aggressive hate letters.

challenge: writing

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