Could we post these over at tvhaven and link them here? I'm thinking 12 good sized graphics would be a little much for a comment, and I don't really use my graphics comm haha.
"‡ How to Get Points: Reply to your TEAM THREAD with your completed entry or a link to your completed entry."
Link is a-okay.
Minimal size, larger than icon, header sizeish. I dunno, I don't always like to put minimum sizes, people usually use good judgement. But if I start seeing lots of 150x150 graphics I might start imposing minimum sizes.
I'm not on Tumblr...what makes a graphic a "Tumblr graphic"?
Under the badge info you mention actor pics. Does that mean we can use any photos of the actor playing our character for this challenge, such as red carpet pics?
The example is a tumblr graphic. It has no different standards than say a header or wallpaper. Like a header or wallpaper, the only big difference is the size. Header is wider than it is taller, wallpaper is a large rectangle, and a tumblr graphic is usually a taller thinner rectangular thing. But all imply there would be some manipulation/collaging/image edits to any of them.
Sorry, that wording was probably confusing. As the community has a general blanket rule of not using any out-of-character actor images (it's in the FAQ & Rules), including red carpet images. And the challenge is asking for people to cast tv characters, not actors, as the gods. So actor images wouldn't be appropriate. I've changed it to read "Character images" instead of "actor image"
Do I understand correctly that for the badge, we have to post another 12 images? That's a lot of work! I mean, I get that the badges shouldn't be easy to come by, but, wow... That's gonna keep me busy for a while.
Nope that's not it. The badge just requires you to actually edit/manipiulate your original 12 casted images. Technically, by the regular challenge rules, nobody is required to actually manipulate or edit their photos. They could just pick 12 tv characters and submit 12 largish images of them. But if you want the badge you actually have to add textures/manipulation to those 12 images.
Yes, makes perfect sense, but it still means I have to manipulate 24 images in total. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist, because I don't just want to post 12 screencaps unedited for the initial challenge. And a manip that needs at least four layers will require quite some work if it's x12 as I'm pretty picky with my stuff.
Again, this is not criticism. I understand you want the badge challenges to be harder than the normal stuff, that's why it's extra badge points. Guess I just wanted to whine a little. :-)
D'oh, okay, upon seeing the submissions already posted and re-reading your comment, I had a major d'oh moment because I had this all wrong. I thought we needed to do 12 initial images for the challenge, and then another 12 that had all these layers. But now I get it. We submit 12 images. If you wanna go the "easy" route, you just take 12 more or less unedited stills/screencaps and explain who is who. For the badge, you still only submit 12 images, but each image needs to contain at least four layers. Right? (Sorry for being such a ditz.)
( ... )
Also, min. size?
Link is a-okay.
Minimal size, larger than icon, header sizeish. I dunno, I don't always like to put minimum sizes, people usually use good judgement. But if I start seeing lots of 150x150 graphics I might start imposing minimum sizes.
Under the badge info you mention actor pics. Does that mean we can use any photos of the actor playing our character for this challenge, such as red carpet pics?
Thanks! :)
Sorry, that wording was probably confusing. As the community has a general blanket rule of not using any out-of-character actor images (it's in the FAQ & Rules), including red carpet images. And the challenge is asking for people to cast tv characters, not actors, as the gods. So actor images wouldn't be appropriate. I've changed it to read "Character images" instead of "actor image"
Make sense?
Again, this is not criticism. I understand you want the badge challenges to be harder than the normal stuff, that's why it's extra badge points. Guess I just wanted to whine a little. :-)
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