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far_to_nowhere January 7 2013, 02:56:07 UTC
beyondthepen January 7 2013, 23:38:45 UTC
Ted Crisp + Phoebe Buffay = Leslie Knope


“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Crisp. Please, take a seat,” Leslie’s third grade teacher, Miss Wiles, gestured to the two third-grade sized chairs that she’d pulled around one of the larger tables. Leslie let go of her mother’s hand, waved quickly at her teacher, and went to the crayon table in the corner.

Phoebe sat with no second-glance, while Ted tested the chair cautiously with one hand before easing his weight onto it.

“We’re, um, not,” he waved his hand between Phoebe and himself, but she only smiled and him and offered no explanation to the teacher.

“Oh, I apologize,” Miss Wiles replied, lifting her eyebrows.

Ted muttered something of acceptance and then leaned forward in his seat. “So, about Leslie then?”

“Oh, I’m sure you know. Leslie is a delight! It’s always the parents of the kids who don’t need to be spoken about who show much at these parent teacher conferences.” Miss Wiles smiled fondly at the little girl in the corner. Her blonde hair was pulled into two high pigtails at either side, flipped over and pinned into spikes around her head. By her mother’s appearance, Miss Wiles assumed (rightfully) that Phoebe had styled little Leslie’s hair. It was always so original.

“Fabulous! How is she in music class? Does she play the guitar?” Phoebe asked.

“We don’t have a guitar handy…she seems to enjoy telling the other children how to play their intstruments, however.”

“Too much time with Aunt Veronica,” Ted muttered.

“I suppose it’s good training,” Miss Wiles continued, “She seems quite intent on becoming the president of the United States one day.”


kungfuwaynewho January 19 2013, 05:37:28 UTC
Your graphic is beautiful. I love the gauzy coloring - so pretty!


malicat January 8 2013, 00:55:13 UTC
Diane (The Good Wife) + Nathan (Heroes) = Harvey (Suits)

For the badge:

Harvey was undecided what to do after high school for a long time. Naturally his parents tried to influence him as much as possible. Diane wanted him to become a lawyer (she already saw him take over Lockhart & Gardner at some point), while Nathan had a political career in mind for Harvey.
They stopped at nothing to persuade their son. Diane would take him to work as often as possible. "To show off my amazing son" was always her reasoning but everyone knew that this was just an excuse. Sometimes she would even take him to court and his birthday present when he turned 16 was a book with the most important laws.
Harvey's father took a slightly different approach,a bit more subtle but still completely obvious for anyone who knew him just a bit. Every now and then he looked at his son and said things like "Have I ever told you how much I love politics?" or "I've come from a long line of politicians,it makes me sad that it could end after me" or "Just imagine,you could live in the White House one day". Movie night with his son usually featured films that had political storylines and his birthday gift for Harvey was a book about all presidents America ever had.
Eventually Harvey made up his mind and decided to become a lawyer. However,he didn't tell his parents for a long time. Smart as Harvey was,he had figured out his parents' intentions ages ago and now he would use this for his advantage as long as possible.


erinm_4600 January 19 2013, 01:48:56 UTC
Never even saw Heroes and I know this is accurate!


malicat January 21 2013, 15:53:02 UTC
Harvey is totally a mini-Nathan :D


tiah15 January 20 2013, 00:10:41 UTC
This is perfect :D


malicat January 21 2013, 15:54:12 UTC
Thank you :D


meredith44 January 20 2013, 02:04:48 UTC
I love the idea of that!


malicat January 21 2013, 15:50:48 UTC
Thanks,I'm kind of proud of this actually *g*


bitterbird January 8 2013, 03:48:20 UTC
Keith Mars (Veronica Mars) and Melissa McCall (Teen Wolf) = Alexander (Xander) Harris (Buffy)

for the badge:

From their first date, Keith and Melissa had both insisted on an honesty clause. There would be no secrets in their relationship or family, not when they both knew all too well the damage they could do. And it had been overwhelming sometimes, for them both being with someone who was honest and open. Especially with the interesting set of problems the children bought them.

Like right now, their teenager Xander was sitting at the table telling them something that had Keith’s brain hurting.

“Your new friend is a what?” Keith asked, because seriously. He was getting too old for this.

“A vampire slayer. It’s pretty cool actually.” Xander replied enthusiastically.

Melissa just laughed. Keith looked at her with his eyebrows raised. Melissa just shrugged. “What? My son is a werewolf, not like I can judge.”

“And I already asked her and she has no objection to werewolves!” Xander spoke up, giving Keith his puppy eyes.

Keith shook his head and smiled, because this woman and their son were both kind of amazing. Keith had met Melissa when Veronica and Scott had both been teenagers. They had not really intended to have more children, Scott and Veronica could already be quite the handful. But when Melissa had gotten pregnant, and then had Xander....and yeah their little family was perfect. Keith could not imagine his life any other way.


watchpoint January 13 2013, 06:10:52 UTC
I'll just be over here in my corner oversmiling at this combination of characters.


bitterbird January 13 2013, 08:02:19 UTC
Yay I'm glad you approve!


caitieness January 9 2013, 23:22:34 UTC

Rachel Green (Friends) + Joey Tribbiani (Friends) = Sam Evans (Glee)

"So to sum up," Joey said, laying one hand on Sam's shoulder. "Don't rush into anything. When it's right, you'll know." He looked at his son very carefully as he finished his speech. It finished just in time as Rachel walked in the door. Sam felt himself blush in the presence of his mom and this silly conversation he was having with his dad.

"Can I go practice some guitar now?" he asked hopefully, looking between his parents.

"Sure, son," Joey said in his most fatherly tone, patting his shoulder one last time before Sam got up and retreated into his room.

Rachel sat down on the arm of Joey's chair and slid her hand across his shoulders. "Joey," she said with a smile. "Great job! So did you find out?"

"Find out what?" he asked, eyebrows raised and looking up at her.

"About the girl!" She was met with a blank stare. "Did you find out if he's sleeping with that girl he brought back the other night? Is he being safe?"

"Oh," Joey nodded knowingly. "Yeah, I didn't ask about that."

"But--" Rachel looked at Sam's closed door and back at Joey. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Ohh," he said, nodding again but this time with a smile. "Sandwiches."


signe_chan January 13 2013, 13:47:01 UTC
Crack, you say?

Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural and their son Blaine Anderson from Glee.

And for the badge:

“Blaine, what the hell are you wearing?” Dean asked, trying to keep the exasperation out of his voice. Blaine gave him his best ‘What, me?’ look before glancing down at himself. Dean had long ago accepted that Blaine was going to be different from him. He’d blame it all on Cas but he knew a big part of it was having a home me could always go back to where they’d be a roof over his head. Still, he’d never been quite prepared for this.

“I like it,” Cas interrupted, as though he had any idea about being a normal person at all. “He looks smart.”

“That’s a word for it,” Dean said with a sigh. Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his sweater vest and bow tie. He looked like he’d stolen clothes from his granddad only, well, not his own granddad because Samuel would have probably shot that shit before he wore it.

“It’s cool,” Blaine defended, crossing his arms over his chest. “Kurt likes it.”

“Oh, that explains it,” Dean said with a long suffering sigh. For the last few months it had been all about Kurt, and he did understand young love and all but he’d never even met the kid. “When are we going to get to meet this Kurt?” he asked, reaching over to ruffle Blaine’s hair.

“Dad!” His son groused, pushing him away. “I can’t just bring him here. You guys are too weird. You might not even like him.”

“I’m sure we would like him,” Cas said, stepping out from where he’d been hiding behind the breakfast bar and laying a hand on Blaine’s shoulder. “You like him, that will be enough.”

“And I’m totally not weird,” Dean protested. Blaine gave him a look and he shrugged. It was true, he wasn’t weird. Not by his standards anyway, though who knew by teenage standards. He’d done a lot to make sure Blaine had a stable, normal life. There were some things you just couldn’t erase though.

“You’re a bit weird,” Blaine replied, though he looked contrite at least. “I’m just worried. Do you really want to meet him?”

“Of course we do,” Dean replied, coming round to Blaine’s side and throwing an arm around his shoulder. “He’s important to you so we want to meet him. And, hey, we’ll be as normal as we can while he’d here.”

“Thanks, dad,” Blaine replied, hugging Dean back quickly then turning to hug Cas quickly too. “Well, whatever happens I’m sure it’ll be a surprise for Kurt. You guys are definitely not what he’d going to expect.”

(430 words)


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