Episode 4x01: Pilot

Jan 04, 2013 18:53

‡ Episode 4x01: Pilot

‡ How to Get Points: Reply to your TEAM THREAD, with your 2 tag banners, and a LINK to your completed tvgang profile.

‡ Deadline: January 13th @ 9pm EST [Time Zone Converter]

‡ Points: 15 points for 2 tag banners and 1 profile (+ 50 possible team points)

‡ Tag Banner Points: No

‡ Have a question or comment?
Please ask in the question/comment thread below! Also check out the FAQ.

‡ TVRealm Badge #1: The Fringe Badge
Comment at 5 members' profiles. Give them a warm welcome or strike up a conversation with them!

To get your badge points, reply to your team thread with 5 links, to the 5 profiles you commented at. This can be with your original challenge entry comment or a commented submitted thereafter.

+5 points.

• Part 1: Submit 2 new tag banners. At least ONE of them HAS to be created by someone else. Please tell us who made your tag banner(s). Teams usually coordinate tag banner exchanges.

• Tag banners can be no larger than 300x150. It should have your team name, your name/SN on it, and some sort of imagery. Gif tag banners are okay. Please keep their size as minimal as possible.

Example of Far's.

• Part 2: Join tvgang and create a profile for yourself!

• Profiles are a chance to introduce yourself to other members of the community. Your profile is YOURS to edit and update whenever you want to. So make your mark and feel free to say hello to other members in their profiles posts!

• The form below has everything you need to start your profile. Copy and paste it into a new entry @ tvgang and fill it out to your liking. You must be a member @ tvgang to post there. It is open membership for now.

• REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR PROFILE: Create a header banner with ANY imagery you want on it and your name or username on it. Please make it 350x150 in size. And the rest of your profile should remain behind a lj-cut. Aside from the header banner & lj-cut the provided form/coding can be adjusted to your liking. Add/remove whatever you like!

About Me

Non-TV Obsessions:
Other Landcomms:
Something Unique About You:
Friending Policy:

I <3 Television

Current TV Obsession:
Favorite TV Shows:
Favorite TV Characters:
Favorite TV Pairings:
Any TV Guilty Pleasures?
Anything we should know about your television habits?

My Creations

My graphics comm:
My fanfic comm:
Examples of my work:

My TVRealm Stuff

My Tag Banners:
My Favorite TVRealm Creations:

• Here's Far's profile and mine, as an example.

• Don't forget to tag your profile with your username and give your entry a subject.

• We really recommend creating a profile now as some future challenges will require you to have a profile.

• Part 3: Each team can submit 15 team icons (or more) for 50 team points. 10 of them must be unique, the other 5 can be alternates. No single member can create MORE than 5 icons of the 15.

• Have one team member submit all 15 of your icons in one comment to your TEAM THREAD, crediting the users who created them.

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